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buyer influence/readiness
The general concept referring to the systematic understanding or charac-
terization of the influence process on buyer behavior as well as the buyer’s
readiness to buy.
One common characterization of the buyer influence process is a for-
mulaic approach referred to as AIDA (attention, interest, desire, and action):
getting the consumer’s attention or awareness, generating interest, fos-
tering desire, and encouraging action to buy the product or service. A
common characterization of buyer readiness is referred to as AIDCA
(attention, interest, desire, conviction,andaction): being aware, being inter-
ested in buying, having a desire to buy, possessing conviction to buy, and
taking action to buy. Similarly, buyer readiness can be characterized by
the consumer’s awareness, knowledge, liking of the offering, preference for
the offering, conviction in the offering, and finally purchase of the offering.