7.4 Modeling the Workstation Following a Batch Server 213
7.4 Modeling the Workstation Following a Batch Server
Since the unbatching process after a batch-service workstation does not produce
a renewal process (i.e., a stream of inter-departure times that are independent and
identically distributed), it is prudent to model the recipient workstation as having a
batch arrival process. This approach captures the true behavior of the arrival stream
including the inter-dependence between arrivals, whereas the i.i.d. SCV approxima-
tion does not. The analysis of the workstation depends on whether the jobs leaving
the batch processor are sent directly to the next workstation or if a probabilistic
branch follows the batch server.
7.4.1 A Serial System Topology
To illustrate the difficulties inherent in modeling the workstation following a batch
service operation, reconsider Example 7.3 and assume that the workstation of that
example feeds into a workstation that processes jobs one-at-a-time. This down-
stream workstation has a service process described by an exponential distribution
with a mean of 3 minutes. The workstation of Example 7.3 is feeding batches of
size 5 to our workstation at a mean rate of 3 batches per hour with an SCV of batch
inter-arrival times of 0.75 and an SCV of 7.75 of individuals. The workstation uti-
lization factor is u = 5 ×3 ×0.05 = 0.75. Then using the standard approximation
for individuals, the system cycle time for this workstation is
CT =
7.75 + 1
1 −0.75
×0.05 + 0.05 = 0.706 hr . (7.14)
Simulating this situation yielded a cycle time estimate of 0.496 hours based on
just over 135,000 simulated services. The resultant inter-arrival stream characteris-
tics were measured as E[T
(I)] = 0 .333, with C
(B)] = 0.753. The workstation
utilization factor was measured to be 0.749. This data was from a simulation run
length of 10,000 hours with a statistics reset after 1,000 hours. So even though the
first two moments of the inter-arrival time distribution were very accurate, the cycle
time approximation was off by 42%. Why? The answer is in the arrival stream’s
characteristics. The first two moments of the inter-arrival time distribution does not
capture the grouping behavior observed in the batch arrival process. For example, it
is quite possible to have an arrival stream sequence of batches of size 2 with exactly
the same mean and SCV; thus, it is clear that the first two moments alone cannot
adequately describe an arrival process of individuals that arise from batches.
To properly take the arrival stream’s characteristics into account, the next work-
station after the batch server workstation should be modeled as a batch arrival sta-
tion, using the modeling approach detailed in Sect. 7.1 dealing with batch moves,
specifically, Property 7.2 should be used. This approach treats the system as a batch
arrival and batch server system for the queue time estimate and then adds the in-