168 6 Multiple Product Factory Models
Hence, a product can require several processing steps yet these steps might be per-
formed by only a few workstations. There is only a slight change in the informa-
tional requirements, but the modeling flexibility that this allows is much greater than
before. The processing step paradigm is the standard industrial method of specifying
product production information, except for assembly line like processes.
To use the processing step modeling paradigm, a processing step to workstation
mapping is needed for each job. This is typically accomplished by using a list where
the location or list index denotes the processing step and the number in that loca-
tion in the list denotes the workstation. Previously a workstation list was used for
specifying the processing time information. With the processing step approach, a
step indexed list contains the necessary information about the processing require-
ments and the job’s location within its processing step sequence is maintained. This
is, obviously, only a slight change in the modeling approach but by focusing on
the processing step instead of the workstation index allows for considerably more
complex production schemes to be analyzed. The two methods yield the same result
when there is a one-for-one correspondence between processing steps and worksta-
tions. However, more complex situations can be handled with this approach than
were previously possible.
Definition 6.2. Consider a factory with n workstations and a job of Type i that has
processing steps in its production plan. The workstation mapping function, de-
noted by
() for = 1,··· ,
, gives the workstation assigned to the
step of the
production plan; thus w
(·) is an integer-valued function with range 1,··· ,n.
One of the difficulties on the processing step paradigm is being clear on whether
a subscript or parameter refers to a workstation number or a step number. To help
differentiate between a workstation function and a step function, a “tilde” will be
used to indicate that a function’s parameter or a variable’s subscript refers to a step
To illustrate the processing step paradigm, consider a situation where a factory
with three workstations produces two product types. Consider Table 6.5 that shows
the production plan. Notice that the product flow for this example is deterministic
Table 6.5 Processing data in hours in processing step form for two different products
Product 1 Step # 1 2 3 4
Workstation # 1 2 3 1
] 3.0 7.2 1.62 2.5
] 1.5 2.0 0.75 1.5
Product 2 Step # 1 2 3 4
Workstation # 1 3 2 3
] 3.2 1.45 7.0 1.0
] 1.0 1.75 1.7 0.45
and workstations are revisited but in different sequences depending on the job type.
The sequence of workstations in which jobs of Type 1 are processed is 1, 2, 3, 1