Having done this, the XAFS data is in a form from which information can be extracted.
Figure 10(e) shows further steps in the data reduction process:
∑ c(k) is weighted by a factor of k
, so that the low-amplitude, high-energy part of the
XAFS oscillations are increased in amplitude (referred to as c(R));
∑ electronic filter window is placed around this to limit the range over which; and
∑ the Fourier transform of c(R).
From this point on, a modelling process is undertaken. Various configurations of envi-
ronments surrounding the target atom are considered and the information is used in the
theoretical equation for c(k). The data for the models may be based on crystallographic
information; for example, if the material under investigation were FeO, the iron atom
would be in an octahedral configuration with the oxygen atoms, and R
, the radius of the
first shell, would be 2.14 Å. The modelling proceeds until a match between experiment and
theory is achieved.
Despite all the data manipulations that have to be made, and the fact that the analysis
gives relative rather than absolute information, XAFS is a powerful analytical tool.
Perhaps 60% of all experiments at the ANBF are XAFS experiments.
In one of several experiments that have been undertaken, Pantos et al. (2002) have
demonstrated the use of SRXRD and XAFS for the study of the mineral composition of
painting pigments and pottery glazes.
5.4.2. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES)
In the case of XAFS, the photoelectron is ejected from the atom and is, therefore, trans-
formed from a bound state to the continuum. The electron interacts with neighbouring
atoms, the high-energy electrons undergoing single scatter, and the low-energy electrons
undergoing multiple scatter in their passage away for the target atom (Fig. 10(g)). For
XANES, the situation is different because the transitions may be to virtual energy states,
or to other bound states. Therefore, XANES gives information about the coordination
chemistry of the target atom.
Most experiments have been performed using focussed beams. The strong dependence
of pre-edge and near-edge structure on ionization state is shown in Fig. 10(h) for the oxides
of iron (Foran, 2005). These measurements are a precursor to the study of iron speciation
on iron-gall inks on parchment (Lee et al., 2006).
De Ryck et al. (2003) have used XANES to study oxidation state maps involving the
copper ions in corrosion products formed in a bronze object.
5.5. Infrared (IR) techniques
The use of the infrared (IR) component of the synchrotron spectral output for research is
relatively recent (less than 10 years). This field of research, pioneered initially by Dr.Gwyn
Williams at the NSLS (Williams, 1990), has led to the establishing of beamlines at a
number of synchrotron radiation sources. Synchrotron radiation infrared radiation (SRIR)
has applications to the fields of surface science, geology, cell biology, materials science,
conservation science, and so on. Initially, this research was performed using synchrotron
Synchrotron Radiation and its Use in Cultural Heritage Studies 73