162 Overview of global climate forcings and feedbacks
Willson and Hudson, 1988). The current solar irradiance on a plane perpendic-
ular to the incident energy at the top of the atmosphere is about 1365 W m
(Barkström et al., 1990). Attempts have been made to relate changes in solar
luminosity to observed solar parameters such as sunspot activity, solar diameter,
and umbral–penumbral ratio (Wigley et al., 1986; Pecker and Runcorn, 1990;
Friis-Christensen and Lassen, 1991). The data suggest that solar luminosity is
positively correlated to sunspot number with an 11-year cycle having an amplitude
of 01Wm
at the top of the atmosphere (Willson and Hudson, 1988). Estimates
of global mean surface temperature changes due to observed changes in sunspot
number are generally quite small, being on the order of less than 0.1
C and as
a result undetectable (Wigley, 1988). Nonetheless, convincing statistical studies
suggest a correlation between sunspot number and meteorological parameters such
as temperatures at the 30 mb level in the Arctic (Labitzke, 1987). The implication
of those findings to surface temperatures remains unknown, however. There is
evidence (Friis-Christensen and Lassen, 1991; Kerr, 1991) that the length of the
solar cycle correlates very closely to the global average surface temperature. It
still remains a mystery, however, as to how such small changes in solar irradiance
caused by variations in sunspot number and the length of the solar cycle could
have a significant climatic impact. Some scientists speculate that some unknown
indirect amplification mechanism must exist.
There have been a number of attempts to use indirect measures of solar activity
to identify possible climatic impacts. Wigley (1988), for example, attempted to
infer changes in solar luminosity associated with variations in
C concentrations
in tree rings. Because the production rate of
C in the atmosphere is related
to the output of energetic particles from the Sun or solar wind, variations in
C concentrations may be indicative of variations in solar irradiance. Histori-
cal records, for example, show a correlation between positive
C anomaly and
sunspot minima. According to Wigley and Kelly (1990) the
C concentration
peaked during the Little Ice Age in the seventeenth century and during earlier
intervals of glacial advance. Assuming that the
C–climate link is real, Wigley
(1988) estimated the change in solar irradiance associated with observed changes
C concentrations and inferred changes in surface temperatures over the last
several hundred years. He estimated that changes in solar irradiance associated
C anomalies would translate into changes in global mean temperature of
a magnitude of 0.1–0.3
Variations in solar activity modulates both cosmic ray fluxes and solar irradi-
ance. It has been speculated that because enhanced solar activity enhances cosmic
ray fluxes which, in turn, will generate larger concentrations of ions in the atmo-
sphere, these ions will serve as cloud condensation nuclei (Carslaw et al., 2002).
Motivated by studies by Svensmark and Friis-Christensen (1997) that there is a