September 17, 2010 9:45 World Scientific Review Volume - 9.75in x 6.5in ch18
478 A. J. Leggett
relative distance r vanishes at the origin and has its first maximum near
the point r
≡ l/k
. Now the attractive part of the van der Waals poten-
tial between two
He atoms is maximum around 3
A, and the closest r
this corresponds to l = 2, so most of the early papers concluded that this
angular momentum was the most likely to occur (“d-wave pairing”). Evi-
dently, by the Pauli principle, such a state would have to be a spin singlet,
so the spin wave function factors out just as in the original BCS theory. In
an important early paper, Anderson and Morel
gave a detailed analysis of
this possibility, concluding that the pairs would most likely form not with a
single value of m but in a combination that minimized the gap anisotropy
and thus that of the pair wave function F (r) (it turns out that in the case
of l 6= 0 spin singlet pairing the angular anisotropy of the energy gap ∆(k)
over the Fermi surface approximately tracks that of F (k) and thus of the
real-space function F (r)). Anderson and Morel also gave a brief discussion
of the case of l = 1 (p-wave) spin triplet pairing; in this case, they chose to
investigate one specific possible state, in which the “up” and “down” spins
form pairs independently but with a common direction of relative angular
momentum L. As we shall see below, this was a serendipitous choice.
A few other theoretical developments in the period before 1972 are worth
mentioning. First, while early papers, including that of Anderson and Morel,
had assumed that in the case of spin triplet pairing “up” spins paired only
with up and “down” with down, it was pointed out by Vdovin
and inde-
pendently by Balian and Werthamer
that it is possible to form a state in
which, in addition, some up spins are paired with down (this is discussed in
more detail below) and moreover that at least in the case of p-wave (l = 1)
pairing the resulting state (which has become known in the literature as the
BW state) would have, within a standard BCS-like approach, a lower energy
than the kind of state considered by Anderson and Morel. Secondly, it was
that one could combine the ideas of BCS on pairing in a weakly
interacting Fermi gas with those of Landau on a strongly interacting normal
Fermi liquid to produce a theory of a “superfluid Fermi liquid”; interest-
ingly, the molecular fields introduced in Landau’s approach, which in the
normal phase merely renormalize various constants, can in the superfluid
state change the predicted temperature-dependences appreciably. Thirdly,
it was pointed out
that in a Fermi system that is nearly ferromagnetic (as
is, at least arguably, the case in liquid
He where the enhancement of the
free-gas susceptibility by the relevant molecular field is about a factor of 4)
there would be, in addition to any “bare” forces such as the van der Waals
interaction, an extra interaction, analogous to the phonon-mediated interac-