6. The following table represents Midwest
Petroleum’s production for the next 3 weeks. Use
your calculator and a matrix equation to determine
the total amount of raw material they need to fill
their orders (see Exercise 5).
7. Roll-X Watches makes some of the finest
wristwatches in the world. Their most popular
model is the Clam. It comes in three versions:
Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Management thinks
there might be a thief in the production line, so
they decide to closely monitor the precious metal
consumption. A Silver Clam contains 1.2 oz of
silver and 0.2 oz of gold. A Gold Clam contains
0.5 oz of silver, 0.8 oz of gold, and 0.1 oz of
platinum. A Platinum Clam contains 0.2 oz of
silver, 0.5 oz of gold, and 0.7 oz of platinum.
During the first week of monitoring, the production
team used 10.9 oz of silver, 9.2 oz of gold, and
2.3 oz of platinum. Use your calculator and a
matrix equation to determine the number of each
type of watch that should have been produced.
8. The following table contains the precious metal
consumption of the Roll-X Watch production line
during the next five weeks (see Exercise 7). Use
your graphing calculator to determine the number
of each type of watch that should have been
produced each week. For which week does the data
seem to indicate a possible theft of precious metal?
9. There are three classes of grain, of which three
bundles from the first class, two from the second,
and one from the third make 39 measures. Two of
the first, three of the second, and one of the third
make 34 measures. And one of the first, two of the
second, and three of the third make 26 measures.
How many measures of grain are contained in one
bundle of each class? (This is the historic problem
from the Chiu chang suan shu.)
10. During a given week, the measures of grain that
make up the bundles in Exercise 9 can vary
slightly. Three local Chinese bakeries always buy
the same numbers of bundles, as outlined in
Exercise 9. That is to say, bakery 1 buys three
bundles of the first class, two of the second, and
one of the third. Bakery 2 buys two of the first,
three of the second, and one of the third. And
finally, bakery 3 buys one of the first, two of the
second, and three of the third. The following table
outlines how many measures of grain each bakery
received each day. How many measures of grain
were contained in one bundle of each class, on
each day?
For Exercises 11–16, use the criteria indicated to find
matrices A and , where the entries of both are
all integers.
11. The lower triangle is all zeroes.
12. The upper triangle is all zeroes.
15. and
16. and
17. Use the matrix A you created in Exercise 11 and
the substitution cipher from Example 4 to encrypt
your full name.
18. Use the matrix A you created in Exercise 12 and
the substitution cipher from Example 4 to encrypt
your school’s name.
19. Design your own substitution cipher. Then use it
and the matrix A you created in Exercise 13 to
encrypt the title of your favorite movie.
20. Design your own substitution cipher. Then use it
and the matrix A you created in Exercise 14 to
encrypt the title of your favorite snack food.
⫽ 1a
⫽ 2a
⫽ 1
⫽ 5
3 ⴛ 3
698 CHAPTER 7 Matrices and Matrix Applications 7–62
College Algebra G&M—
Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
E10 110,000 95,000 105,000
E85 17,000 18,000 20,000
Biodiesel 6,000 8,000 10,000
Ounces Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Silver 13.1 9 12.9 11.9 11.2
Gold 11 7.7 8.6 8.4 9.5
Platinum 2.5 1.5 0.9 2.8 1.7
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
Bakery 1 39 38 38 37.75 39.75
Bakery 2 34 33 33.5 32.5 35
Bakery 3 26 26 27 26.25 27.25
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