660 CHAPTER 7 Matrices and Matrix Applications 7–24
College Algebra G&M—
The perimeter and area of a rectangle can be simultaneously calculated using the matrix formula shown, where L
represents the length and W represents the width of the rectangle. Use the matrix formula and your calculator to find
the perimeter and area of the rectangles shown, then check the results using and
57. 58.
A ⫽ LW.P ⫽ 2L ⫹ 2W
W 0
dⴝ c
6.374 cm
4.35 cm
5.02 cm
3.75 cm
59. Custom T’s designs and sells specialty T-shirts and
sweatshirts, with factories in Verdi and Minsk. The
company offers this apparel in three quality levels:
standard, deluxe, and premium. Last fall the Verdi
plant produced 3820 standard, 2460 deluxe, and
1540 premium T-shirts, along with 1960 standard,
1240 deluxe, and 920 premium sweatshirts. The
Minsk plant produced 4220 standard, 2960 deluxe,
and 1640 premium T-shirts, along with 2960
standard, 3240 deluxe, and 820 premium
sweatshirts in the same time period.
a. Write a “production matrix” for each
plant Verdi, Minsk], with a T-shirt
column, a sweatshirt column, and three rows
showing how many of the different types of
apparel were manufactured.
b. Use the matrices from part (a) to determine
how many more or fewer articles of clothing
were produced by Minsk than Verdi.
c. Use scalar multiplication to find how many
shirts of each type will be made at Verdi and
Minsk next fall, if each is expecting a 4%
increase in business.
d. Write a matrix that shows Custom T’s total
production next fall (from both plants), for
each type of apparel.
60. Terry’s Tire Store sells automobile and truck tires
through three retail outlets. Sales at the Cahokia store
for the months of January, February, and March
broke down as follows: 350, 420, and 530 auto tires
and 220, 180, and 140 truck tires. The Shady Oak
branch sold 430, 560, and 690 auto tires and 280,
320, and 220 truck tires during the same 3 months.
Sales figures for the downtown store were 864, 980,
and 1236 auto tires and 535, 542, and 332 truck tires.
a. Write a “sales matrix” for each store
Cahokia, Shady Oak,
Downtown], with January, February, and
2 ⫻ 3
3 ⫻ 2
March columns, and two rows showing the
sales of auto and truck tires respectively.
b. Use the matrices from part (a) to determine
how many more or fewer tires of each type the
downtown store sold (each month) over the
other two stores combined.
c. Market trends indicate that for the same three
months in the following year, the Cahokia
store will likely experience a 10% increase in
sales, the Shady Oak store a 3% decrease, with
sales at the downtown store remaining level
(no change). Write a matrix that shows the
combined monthly sales from all three stores
next year, for each type of tire.
61. Home improvements: Dream-Makers Home
Improvements specializes in replacement windows,
replacement doors, and new siding. During the
peak season, the number of contracts that came
from various parts of the city (North, South, East,
and West) are shown in matrix C. The average
profit per contract is shown in matrix P. Compute
the product PC and discuss what each entry of the
product matrix represents.
Windows Doors Siding
62. Classical music: Station 90.7—The Home of
Classical Music—is having their annual fund
drive. Being a loyal listener, Mitchell decides that
for the next 3 days he will donate money according
to his favorite composers, by the number of times
their music comes on the air: $3 for every piece by
Mozart (M), $2.50 for every piece by Beethoven
(B), and $2 for every piece by Vivaldi (V).
31500 500 25004⫽ P
§⫽ C
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