6–17 Section 6.2 Linear Systems in Three Variables with Applications 591
College Algebra G&M—
Given any two points, the equation of a line through these points can be found using a system of equations. While
there are certainly more efficient methods, using a system here will show how we can find equations for polynomials
of higher degree. The key is to note that each point will yield an equation of the form . For instance, the
points (3, 6) and yield the system
87. Use a system of equations to find the equation of the line containing the points (2, 7) and .
88. Use a system of equations to find the equation of the line containing the points and .13, 7219, 12
14, 52
6 ⴝ 3m ⴙ b
ⴚ4 ⴝⴚ2m ⴙ b
.1ⴚ2, ⴚ42
y ⴝ mx ⴙ b
89. Federal income tax reform has been a hot political
topic for many years. Suppose tax plan A calls for
a flat tax of 20% tax on all income (no deductions
or loopholes). Tax plan B requires taxpayers to pay
$5000 plus 10% of all income. For what income
level do both plans require the same tax?
90. Suppose a certain amount of money was invested at
6% per year, and another amount at 8.5% per year,
with a total return of $1250. If the amounts
invested at each rate were switched, the yearly
income would have been $1375. To the nearest
whole dollar, how much was invested at each rate?
91. (4.2) Use the rational zeroes theorem to write the
polynomial in completely factored form:
92. (2.2) Given the tool box function sketch
the graph of F1x2
x 3
f 1x2
27x 10.
93. (3.2) Graph and state the
interval where
94. (5.5) Solve for x (rounded to the nearest
thousandth): 33 77.5e
1x2 0.
y x
6x 16
6.2 Linear Systems in Three Variables with Applications
The transition to systems of three equations in three variables requires a fair amount of
“visual gymnastics” along with good organizational skills. Although the techniques
used are identical and similar results are obtained, the third equation and variable give
us more to track, and we must work more carefully toward the solution.
A. Visualizing Solutions in Three Dimensions
The solution to an equation in one variable is the single number that satisfies the equa-
tion. For the solution is and its graph is a single point on the number
line, a one-dimensional graph. The solution to an equation in two variables, such as
is an ordered pair (x, y) that satisfies the equation. When we graph this
solution set, the result is a line on the xy-coordinate grid, a two-dimensional graph.
The solutions to an equation in three variables, such as are the ordered
triples (x, y, z) that satisfy the equation. When we graph this solution set, the result is a
plane in space, a graph in three dimensions. Recall a plane is a flat surface having infi-
nite length and width, but no depth. We can graph this plane using the intercept
method and the result is shown in Figure 6.15. For graphs in three dimensions, the xy-
plane is parallel to the ground (the y-axis points to the right) and z is the vertical axis.
To find an additional point on this plane, we use any three numbers whose sum is 6,
such as (2, 3, 1). Move 2 units along the x-axis, 3 units parallel to the y-axis, and 1 unit
parallel to the z-axis, as shown in Figure 6.16.
x y z 6,
x y 3,
x 2x 1 3,
In Section 6.2 you will see
how we can:
A. Visualize a solution in
three dimensions
B. Check ordered triple
C. Solve linear systems in
three variables
D. Recognize inconsistent
and dependent systems
E. Use a system of three
equations in three
variables to solve
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