2–57 Section 2.4 Basic Rational Functions and Power Functions; More on the Domain 243
College Algebra G&M—
65. Deer and predators: By banding deer over a
period of 10 yr, a capture-and-release project
determines the number of deer per square mile in
the Mark Twain National Forest can be modeled by
the function where p is the number of
predators present and D is the number of deer. Use
this model to answer the following.
a. As the number of predators increases, what
will happen to the population of deer? Evaluate
the function at D(1), D(3), and D(5) to verify.
b. What happens to the deer population if the
number of predators becomes very large?
c. Graph the function using an appropriate scale.
Judging from the graph, use mathematical
notation to describe what happens to the deer
population if the number of predators becomes
very small (less than 1 per square mile).
66. Balance of nature: A marine biology research
group finds that in a certain reef area, the number
of fish present depends on the number of sharks in
the area. The relationship can be modeled by the
function where F(s) is the fish
population when s sharks are present.
a. As the number of sharks increases, what will
happen to the population of fish? Evaluate the
function at F(10), F(50), and F(200) to verify.
b. What happens to the fish population if the
number of sharks becomes very large?
c. Graph the function using an appropriate scale.
Judging from the graph, use mathematical
notation to describe what happens to the fish
population if the number of sharks becomes
very small.
67. Intensity of light: The intensity I of a light source
depends on the distance of the observer from the
source. If the intensity is 100 W/m
at a distance of
5 m, the relationship can be modeled by the
function Use the model to answer the
c. Graph the function using an appropriate scale.
Judging from the graph, use mathematical
notation to describe what happens to the
intensity if the distance from the lightbulb
becomes very small.
68. Electrical resistance: The resistance R (in ohms)
to the flow of electricity is related to the length of
the wire and its gauge (diameter in fractions of an
inch). For a certain wire with fixed length, this
relationship can be modeled by the function
where R(d) represents the resistance in
a wire with diameter d.
a. As the diameter of the wire increases, what
happens to the resistance? Evaluate the
function at R(0.05), R(0.25), and R(0.5) to
b. If the resistance is increasing, is the diameter
of the wire getting larger or smaller?
c. Graph the function using an appropriate scale.
Judging from the graph, use mathematical
notation to describe what happens to the
resistance in the wire as the diameter gets
larger and larger.
69. Pollutant removal: For a certain coal-burning
power plant, the cost to remove pollutants from
plant emissions can be modeled by
where C(p) represents the
cost (in thousands of dollars) to remove p percent of
the pollutants. (a) Find the cost to remove 20%,
50%, and 80% of the pollutants, then comment on
the results; (b) graph the function using an
appropriate scale; and (c) use mathematical notation
to state what happens if the power company
attempts to remove 100% of the pollutants.
70. City-wide recycling: A large city has initiated a
new recycling effort, and wants to distribute
recycling bins for use in separating various
recyclable materials. City planners anticipate the
cost of the program can be modeled by the
function where C(p)
represents the cost (in $10,000) to distribute the
bins to p percent of the population. (a) Find the
cost to distribute bins to 25%, 50%, and 75% of
the population, then comment on the results;
(b) graph the function using an appropriate scale;
and (c) use mathematical notation to state what
happens if the city attempts to give recycling bins
to 100% of the population.
p 100
p 100
a. As the distance from the lightbulb increases,
what happens to the intensity of the light?
Evaluate the function at I(5), I(10), and I(15)
to verify.
b. If the intensity is increasing, is the observer
moving away or toward the light source?
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