9: Budget preparation ⏐ Part C Financial planning and control
3.1 Identifying the principal budget factor
The principal budget factor 'limits the activities of an undertaking. Identification of the principal budget factor is often
the starting point in the budget setting process. Often the principal budget factor will be sales demand but it could be
production capacity or material supply.' CIMA Official Terminology
The principal budget factor is usually sales demand. A company is usually restricted from making and selling more of
its products because there would be no sales demand for the increased output at a price which would be
acceptable/profitable to the company. The principal budget factor may also be machine capacity, distribution and selling
resources, the availability of key raw materials or the availability of cash. Once this factor is defined then the remainder
of the budgets can be prepared. For example, if sales are the principal budget factor then the production manager can
only prepare his budget after the sales budget is complete.
3.2 The order of budget preparation
Assuming that the principal budget factor has been identified as being sales, the stages involved in the preparation of a
budget can be summarised as follows.
(a) The sales budget is prepared in units of product and sales value. The finished goods inventory budget
can be prepared at the same time. This budget decides the planned increase or decrease in finished goods
inventory levels.
(b) With the information from the sales and inventory budgets, the production budget can be prepared. This
is, in effect, the sales budget in units plus (or minus) the increase (or decrease) in finished goods
inventory. The production budget will be stated in terms of units.
(c) This leads on logically to budgeting the resources for production. This involves preparing a materials
usage budget, machine usage budget and a labour budget.
(d) In addition to the materials usage budget, a materials inventory budget will be prepared, to decide the
planned increase or decrease in the level of inventory held. Once the raw materials usage requirements
and the raw materials inventory budget are known, the purchasing department can prepare a raw
materials purchases budget in quantities and value for each type of material purchased.
(e) During the preparation of the sales and production budgets, the managers of the cost centres of the
organisation will prepare their draft budgets for the department overhead costs. Such overheads will
include maintenance, stores, administration, selling and research and development.
(f) From the above information a budgeted income statement can be produced.
(g) In addition several other budgets must be prepared in order to arrive at the budgeted statement of
financial position. These are the capital expenditure budget (for non-current assets), the working capital
budget (for budgeted increases or decreases in the level of receivables and accounts payable as well as
inventories), and a cash budget.
Make sure that you understand the meaning of principal budget factor.
Key term
focus point
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