Part C Financial planning and control ⏐ 9: Budget preparation
7 Capital expenditure budgets
Because of the monetary amounts involved in capital expenditure, the capital expenditure budget is one of the principal
subsidiary budgets.
7.1 Steps in the preparation of capital expenditure budgets
The steps in the preparation of such a budget are as follows.
Step 1
An accountant or budget officer should be responsible for the capital expenditure budget. Their tasks
should include communicating between interested parties, providing necessary data to assist in budget
preparation, drawing up a timetable to ensure that proper consultation takes place and so on.
Step 2
Sales, production and related budgets cover, in general, a 12-month period. A detailed capital
expenditure budget should be prepared for the budget period but additional budgets should be drawn
up for both the medium and long term. This requires an in-depth consideration of the organisation's
requirements for land, buildings, plant, machinery, vehicles, fixtures and fittings and so on for the short,
medium and long term.
Step 3
The budget covering the 12 month period should be broken down into monthly or quarterly spending,
and details incorporated into the cash budget.
Step 4
Suitable financing must be arranged as necessary.
Step 5
The capital expenditure budget should take account of the principal budget factor. If available funds are
limiting the organisation's activities then they will more than likely limit capital expenditure.
Step 6
As part of the overall budget coordination process, the capital expenditure budget must be reviewed in
relation to the other budgets. Proposed expansion of production may well require significant non-current
asset expenditure which should be reflected in the budget.
Step 7
The capital expenditure budget should be updated on a regular basis since both the timing and amount of
expenditure can change at short notice.
7.2 Example of a capital expenditure budget
A capital expenditure budget might appear as follows.
XYZ Company: Capital expenditure budget – 20X4
Project Description/detail of capital investment items Month $’000
LV45 Installation of new personal computers and flat screen monitors
throughout office and factory
April 100
LV46 Plant replacement of obsolete packing equipment by new
automated and electronic machinery
October 500
Budgeted capital expenditure 600
7.3 Depreciation
Any depreciation on budgeted capital expenditure will need to be incorporated into the budgeted income statement,
along with depreciation on existing non-current assets. The depreciation on planned disposals of non-current assets also
needs to be taken into consideration.