Chapter 19: Developments in Inverse Problems
Now II0Q;IIL2lnl < j. Therefore by taking 111 -4 oo we get that
41 42(k) = 0,
V k E 1R",
concluding the proof.
We now discuss Theorem 19.8.
Sketch of proof of Theorem 19.8. We outline an alternative proof to the one
given by Kohn and Vogelius of Theorem 19.8. In the case 'y E Coo (S2) we
know, by another result of Calderon [14], that Ay is a classical pseudodiffe-
rential operator of order 1. Let (x', x") be coordinates near a point xo E Oil
so that the boundary is given by x" = 0. If A.y(x', ') denotes the full symbol
of A.y in these coordinates. It was proved in [63] that
A ,(X', f') = 'y(x', 0)
ao(x', ') + r(x', c'), (19.39)
where ao(x', C') is homogeneous of degree 0 in C' and is determined by the
normal derivative of y at the boundary and tangential derivatives of y at the
boundary. The term r(x', 6') is a classical symbol of order -1. Then -y ion is
determined by the principal symbol of Ay and
ion is determined by the
principal symbol and the term homogeneous of degree 0 in the expansion of
the full symbol of A.. More generally, the higher order normal derivatives of
the conductivity at the boundary can be determined recursively. In [34] one
can find a more general approach to the calculation of the full symbol of the
Dirichlet to Neumann map.
The case y E C' (S2) of Theorem 19.8 follows using an approximation
argument [63]. For other results and approaches to boundary determination
of the conductivity, see [4], [11], [35].
It is not clear at present what is the optimal regularity on the conductivity
for Theorem 19.6 to hold. Chanillo proves in [15] that Theorem 19.6 is valid
under the assumption that Ay E FP, p > 21, where FP is the Fefferman-
Phong class and it is also small in this class. He also presents an argument of
Jerison and Kenig that shows that if one assumes yi E W2'P(S2) with p > a
then Theorem 19.6 holds. An identifiability result was proven by Isakov [26]
for conductivities having jump-type singularities across a submanifold.
R. Brown [10] has shown that Theorem 19.6 is valid if one assumes yi E
C1+`(12) by using the arguments in [61] combined with Theorem 19.5.
The arguments used in the proofs of Theorems 19.6, 19.7, 19.8 can be
pushed further to prove the following stability estimates. For stability esti-
mates for the inverse scattering problem at a fixed energy see [52].
Theorem 19.9 ([3]). Suppose that s > i and that yl and y2 are CO0 con-
ductivities on St C R" satisfying