Using the divergence theorem we have
in 'YIVU12dx
J A7(f)f dS, (19.5)
where dS denotes surface measure and u is the solution of (19.2). In other
words, Q7 (f) is the quadratic form associated to the linear map A7 (f ), i.e.,
to know A7 (f) or Q7 (f) for all f E H '2"(8Q) is equivalent. Q7(f) measures
the energy needed to maintain the potential f at the boundary. Calderdn's
point of view is that if one looks at Q7 (f) the problem is changed into finding
enough solutions u r= H1(Il) of the equation (19.1) in order to find ry in the
interior. We will explain this approach further in the next section where we
study the linearization of the map
Here we consider Q. as the bilinear form associated to the quadratic form
In §19.2 we describe Calderon's paper and how he used complex exponen-
tials to prove that the linearization of (19.6) is injective at constant conduc-
tivities. He also gave an approximation formula to reconstruct a conductivity
which is a priori close to a constant conductivity.
In §19.3 we describe the construction by Sylvester and Uhlmann [61, 62]
of complex geometrical optics solutions for the Schrodinger equation associ-
ated to a bounded potential. These solutions behave like Calderon's complex
exponential solutions for large complex frequencies. In §19.4 we use these
solutions to prove in dimension n > 3 a global identifiability result [61], sta-
bility estimates [3] and. a reconstruction method for the inverse problem [35],
[45]. We also describe an extension of the identifiability result to nonlinear
conductivities [53].
In §19.5 we consider the two-dimensional case. In particular, we follow
recent work of Brown and Uhlmann [12] to improve the regularity result in
A. Nachman's result [36]. In turn the [12] paper relies in work of Beals and
Coifman [8] and L. Sung [59] in inverse scattering for a class of first-order
systems in two dimensions.
In §19.6 we consider other inverse boundary-value problems arising in
applications. A common feature of these problems is that they can be re-
duced to consider first-order scalar and systems perturbations of the Lapla-
cian. In the scalar case we consider an inverse boundary-value problem for
the Schrodinger equation in the presence of a magnetic potential. We also
consider an inverse boundary-value problem for the elasticity system. The
problem is to determine the elastic parameters of an elastic body by mak-
ing displacements and traction measurements at the boundary. In §19.7 we
give a general method, due to Nakamura and Uhlmann [39], to construct