Thus, if we choose a =: (al,
... ,
ab) such that
A' = A'(a, e) = Ao,
where A0 is fixed, satisfying (5.149), say, (5.151) is not necessarily satisfied
when b < N. As observed by J. Moser, to fulfill (5.151) requires more
parameters. Alternatively, Eliasson [7] weakens (5.153) to the property
A' = tAo for some t E R
(thus the tangential frequency is parallel to a given vector Ao).
Essentially speaking, if b parameters are available, (5.154) corresponds to
b-1 conditions and the remaining degree of freedom is used to ensure (5.151).
In conclusion, the set of "admissible" tangential frequencies for invariant tori
of (5.145) depends on e.
In the case N = oc, quasiperiodic solutions of Hamiltonian perturbations
of linear or integrable PDE's where studied by S. Kuksin [9, 10] and C. Wayne
[14], based again on the KAM methods. In particular, condition (5.151) is
The Lyapounov-Schmidt technique applied in previous sections, origi-
nating from [5] and developed further by the author, is less restrictive since
multiplicities in the normal frequencies are not excluded. This method allows
one to understand in particular how tori with positive Lyapounov exponents
appear in perturbations of integrable systems with only elliptic tori. Roughly
speaking, the relevant nonresonant expressions here are of the form
(A', k) + (p', f) with (k, B) E ZN\{O}, jti < 1. (5.155)
However (5.155) still involves the normal frequencies and previous comments
apply as well.
There are a number of natural questions one may formulate here. For
instance, if Eliasson's result [6] with parallel tangential frequency vector may
be obtained in the infinite-dimensional (PDE) setting (either following KAM
or Lyapounov-Schmidt procedure) or whether (5.153) may be ensured if extra
parameters available. Finally, the preceding discussion only comments on
the methods and does not claim failure of existence of invariant tori if the
nonresonance conditions are violated. One may, however, expect to prove
nonexistence of certain families of invariant tori with given frequency vector
A, differentiable in the perturbation parameters, since that statement relates
directly to the linearized equation.
In the remainder of this section, we give an example of such smooth fam-
ilies with Diophantine frequency A in the context of time periodic solutions
of a NLW equation with an extra parameter. Consider an equation
ytt - yaz + py + y3 + e f (X, y) = 0,