Chapter 5: Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Wave Equations
Theorem 5.1. Consider the equation
Oy + y3 + F(x, y) = 0
F(x, y) =
aj(x) y3
and aj trigonometric cosine polynomials. Then (5.81) has periodic solutions
(1-periodic in space and A-1-periodic in time) of the form
y(x, t) = 4 K 6 en (4K(x + At)) + O(52-) (5.83)
A= 1+52
for 5 taken in a set of positive measure (the relative measure --+ 1 when
Periodic Solutions of Certain Non-
Hamiltonian Nonlinear Wave Equations
As pointed out in [1] and [5], the construction of time periodic and quasiperi-
odic solutions using the Lyapounov-Schmidt decomposition and the Newton
iteration method is a priori not restricted to Hamiltonian problems. Our pur-
pose here is to treat a model example, suggested to the author by C. Wayne
(private communication), a NLW of the form
ytt - y:: + py + (yt)2 = 0,
p ¢ 0 (5.85)
(for p = 0, there are only constant solutions).
Recall that our method consists of dividing the problem into an infinite-
dimensional piece (the P-equations) containing small divisor difficulties and
a remaining finite set of equations (the Q-equations) used to determine the
parameters. Essentially speaking, the main ingredient of relevance in solving
the P-equations is the geometric structure of "singular sites" of the linearized
equation, which technically often constitutes the hardest part of the problem.
The methods of [5], as sketched in the example of the previous section and [l]
appear as rather general implicit function type results, largely independent of
Hamiltonian structure. Most of the structure appears in the context of the Q-
equations, deduced in the Hamiltonian case from an appropriate normal form.