68 Introduction to Bonds
mean the same thing.) The short rate is assumed to follow a statistical
process, and all other interest rates are functions of the short rate. These
are known as one-factor models. Two-factor and multifactor interest rate
models have also been proposed. The model described in Brennan and
Schwartz (1979), for instance, assumes that both the short rate and a
long-term rate are the driving forces, while one presented in Fong and
Vasicek (1991) takes the short rate and short-rate volatility as primary
Short-Rate Processes
The original interest rate models describe the dynamics of the short rate;
later ones—known as HJM, after Heath, Jarrow, and Morton, who cre-
ated the fi rst whole yield-curve model—focus on the forward rate.
In a one-factor model of interest rates, the short rate is assumed to
be a random, or stochastic, variable—that is, it has more than one pos-
sible future value. Random variables are either discrete or continuous. A
discrete variable moves in identifi able breaks or jumps. For example,
although time is continuous, the trading hours of an exchange-traded
future are discrete, since the exchange is shut outside of business hours.
A continuous variable moves without breaks or jumps. Interest rates
are treated in academic literature as continuous, although some, such
as central bank base rates, actually move in discrete steps. An interest
rate that moves in a range from 5 to 10 percent, assuming any value
in between—such as 5.671291 percent—is continuous. Assuming that
interest rates and the processes they follow are continuous, even when
this does not refl ect market reality, allows analyses to employ calculus to
derive useful results.
The short rate follows a stochastic process, or probability distribution.
So, although the rate itself can assume a range of possible future values, the
process by which it changes from value to value can be modeled. A one-
factor model of interest rates specifi es the stochastic process that describes
the movement of the short rate.
The analysis of stochastic processes employs mathematical tech-
niques originally used in physics. An instantaneous change in value of a
random variable x is denoted by dx. Changes in the random variable as-
sume to follow a normal distribution, that is, the bell-shaped curve dis-
tribution. The shock, or noise, that impels a random variable to change
value follows a randomly generated Weiner process, also known as a
geometric Brownian motion. A variable following a Weiner process is a
random variable, denoted by x or z, whose value alters instantaneously
but whose patterns of change follow a normal distribution with mean 0
and standard deviation 1. Consider the zero-coupon bond yield r. Equa-