Bond Pricing and Spot and Forward Rates 51
function of time:
Ct i t
() < ≤,
. Investors purchasing a bond at time t that
matures at time T pay P(t, T ) and receive the coupon payments as long
as they hold the bond. Note that P(t, T ) is the clean price of the bond, as
defi ned in chapter 1; in practice, unless the bond is purchased for settle-
ment on a coupon date, the investor will pay a dirty price, which includes
the value of the interest that has accrued since the last coupon date.
As discussed in chapter 1, yield to maturity is the interest rate that relates
a bond’s price to its future returns. More precisely, using the notation de-
fi ned above, it is the rate that discounts the bond’s cash fl ow stream C
to its
price P(t, T ). This relationship is expressed formally in equation (3.7).
PtT Ce
Expression (3.7) allows the continuously compounded yield to ma-
turity r(t, T ) to be derived. For a zero-coupon, it reduces to (3.5). In the
academic literature,
, which is used in mathematics to calculate sums of
a countable number of objects, is replaced by
, the integral sign, which
is used for an infi nite number of objects. (See Neftci (2000), pages 59–66,
for an introduction to integrals and their use in quantitative fi nance.)
Some texts refer to the graph of coupon-bond yields plotted against ma-
turities as the term structure of interest rates. It is generally accepted, however,
that this phrase should be used for zero-coupon rates only and that the graph
of coupon-bond yields should be referred to instead as the yield curve. Of
course, given the law of one price—which holds that two bonds having the
same cash fl ows should have the same values—the zero-coupon term struc-
ture is related to the yield to maturity curve and can be derived from it.
Bond Price in Continuous Time
This section is an introduction to bond pricing in continuous time. Chap-
ter 4 presents a background on price processes.
Fundamental Concepts
Consider a trading environment in which bond prices evolve in a w-
dimensional process, represented in (3.8).
Xt X t X t X t X t t
()= () () () ()
0, , ,....., , (3.8)
where the random variables (variables whose possible values are numerical
outcomes of a random process) X
are state variables, representing the state
of the economy at times t