288 Selected Cash and Derivative Instruments
dure, the more comfortable investors can be with the integrity and quality
of the underlying asset portfolio.
Review of Credit-Enhancement Mechanisms
Credit enhancements include reserve accounts, subordinated tranches,
credit wraps, and liquidity facilities. Investors should consider the im-
pact of the particular enhancements a structure uses. This will usually be
observed by subjecting the CDO to stress scenarios that are designed to
determine the effect on the cash fl ows.
Subordination. Each tranche’s rights to and priority in receiving
interest and principal payments are set out in an issue’s offering circular,
which provides a detailed description of the notes and their legal structure.
In allocating cash fl ows, typically, fees and expenses are subtracted from
the cash fl ows, then the most senior tranches are serviced, followed by the
junior tranches, and fi nally the equity tranche. This method of cash fl ow
is sometimes referred to as a cash fl ow waterfall.
Credit wrap. As explained above, the originating bank may buy credit
insurance on the debt instruments of the underlying portfolio, to improve
its credit quality.
Reserve accounts. The banks may also set aside cash reserves from
the note proceeds in accounts, usually managed by the servicing agent or
a specialized cash manager, which provide fi rst-loss protection to investors
by absorbing losses before the equity tranche.
Liquidity facility. A facility is an arrangement to provide a borrower
with credit support. In the case of a CDO, this arrangement involves the
originating bank ensuring that, should the underlying asset pool experi-
ence a temporary cash shortfall, the notes’ interest and principal payments
will still be made.
Legal Structure of the Transaction
A typical CDO structure is described in several legal agreements that
formalize the roles played by the various counterparties to the deal. In
addition to the offering circular, which presents the transaction details to
investors, these documents include the following:
❑ The trustee agreements, which set out the responsibilities for ad-
ministration and maintenance of books and records
❑ The sale agreement or credit-default swap agreement used to trans-
fer credit risk
❑ The hedging agreements, such as interest rate or cross-currency
swaps and other derivative contracts
❑ Guarantees or insurance, such as credit wraps on the underlying
asset pool