The TCP/IP Guide - Version 3.0 (Contents) ` 1303 _ © 2001-2005 Charles M. Kozierok. All Rights Reserved.
Explicit URL Delimiting and URL Redirectors
To resolve both the wrapping and delimiting problems, a special URL “super-syntax” is
sometimes employed, especially when URLs are used in other text. This is done by
surrounding the URL in angle brackets, possibly including the label “URL:”. before the
scheme name. For example, all of the following are equivalent:
The angle brackets indicate clearly where the URL begins and ends, making it easier for
both programs and humans to deal with long URLs.
Another solution sometimes used for long URLs are redirection services, provided by many
Web sites. For example, is a free service that allows someone to
create a short URL that automatically loads a resource at a much longer URL.
URL Abbreviation
One final issue I want to discuss isn't related directly to long or complex URLs, but is related
indirectly to the matter of length: URL abbreviation. Many people use URLs so often that
they become, well, lazy when it comes to specifying URLs. They tend to leave off portions
of the full URL syntax to save time and energy. I don't mean by this that they specify relative
URLs, but rather, they specify absolute URLs with “missing pieces”.
For example, rather than type “”, they might type
“”, leaving off the two slashes. More commonly, people omit the
scheme name entirely, just entering “”. Technically, this is not a URL, it
is just a domain name. However, most Web browsers can handle this, assuming by default
that the scheme is “http://” if none is provided. (Don’t feel bad, I do it too! ☺)
URL Obscuration, Obfuscation and General Trickery
Most of the time, the owner of a resource wants the URL that refers to the resource to be
short, simple and easily-understood. Thus, long and complex URLs are usually the result of
necessity, accident or ignorance. Some resources need to have long names for whatever
reason, such as the use of the long query string in the Google example; other times, URLs
are made long because the owner of the resource doesn't realize that using a long DNS
host name or file name will make for a long and unwieldy URL.
Whatever the reasons for these situations, they are not deliberate. Recent years, however,
have seen a dramatic rise in the use of intentionally long, complex, confusing and deliber-
ately deceptive URLs. These URLs are either structured so that it is impossible to tell what
they are, or worse, they are made to appear as if they point to one resource when they
really go to another.