The TCP/IP Guide - Version 3.0 (Contents) ` 1671 _ © 2001-2005 Charles M. Kozierok. All Rights Reserved.
Character Generator
19 864
Generates random characters of data and sends them to a
device. When used with UDP, each UDP message sent to
the server causes it to send back a UDP message
containing a random number (0 to 512 bytes) of data.
When used with TCP, the server just starts sending
characters as soon as a client establishes a connection,
and continues until the connection is terminated by the
Quote of the Day
17 865
Sends a short message (selected by the server’s adminis-
trator) to a client device. For UDP, the message is sent for
each incoming UDP message; for TCP, the message is
sent by the server once when the connection is estab-
lished, which is then closed.
Active Users 11 866
Sends a list of active users to a device. For UDP, the list is
sent for each incoming UDP message; if it is longer than
512 bytes it will be sent in multiple messages. For TCP,
the list is sent automatically when the connection is made
to the server, and then the connection is terminated.
Daytime Protocol 13 867
Returns the current time on the server in human-readable
form, in response to receipt of a UDP message or an
incoming TCP connection.
Time Protocol 37 868
Returns the current time in machine-readable form—
specifically, the number of seconds since midnight,
January 1, 1900 GMT. The time is sent for each UDP
message received by the server, or upon establishment of
a TCP connection.
Note that this protocol cannot be used for time synchroni-
zation of servers, because it does not compensate for
variability in the time required for the messages to be
carried over the internetwork.
Table 312: Miscellaneous TCP/IP Troubleshooting Protocols (Page 2 of 2)