ENDF/B-VII.0: Next Generation... NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS M.B. Chadwick et al.
in the Tank-type Critical Assembly [154]. This core
is closely related to benchmark LCT6 [85], but the
loading pattern is different, as are the pitch and the
water height.
IPEN/MB-01: A core consisting of 28 × 26 UO
(4.3% enriched) fuel rods inside a light water filled
tank [278]. An MCNP model was kindly provided
by the author s of Ref. [278].
Masurca: Measurements of β
by several international
groups in two unmoderated co res in Masurca, viz.
R2 and ZONA2. Core R2 had ∼30% enriched
uranium as fuel, whereas ZONA2 had both pluto-
nium and depleted uranium. Both cores were sur-
rounded by a 50 -50% UO
-Na mixture blanket, and
by steel shielding. R-Z model descriptions are g iven
in Ref. [2 79].
FCA: Measurements of β
by several international
groups in three unmoderated core s in the Fast Crit-
ical Assembly, namely, core XIX-1, XIX-2, and
XIX-3. O n core had highly enriched ur anium, one
had plutonium and natural uranium, and the third
had plutonium as fuel. The cores were surrounded
by two blanket re gions, one with depleted uranium
oxide and sodium, the other with only depleted ura-
nium metal. R-Z model descriptions are given in
Ref. [279].
Note that for a thermal spectrum, only the
U delayed
neutron data are tested by these calculations, whereas
for a fast spectrum both
U and
Pu data are tested.
The calculation of β
for these systems was done using
a version of MCNP-4C3 with an extra option added to it
as describ e d in Ref. [280]. This method was used earlier
to test delayed neutron data from JEFF-3.1 and JENDL-
3.3 [281]. The results based on ENDF/B-VII.0 are given
in Table XXVIII, as well as the results based on those
other libraries.
D. Reaction rates in critical assemblies
The fast critical assemblies at the L os Alamos Criti-
cal Experiment Facility (LACEF), at TA-18, represent
a unique capability within the DOE/NNSA complex for
studying nuclear cr iticality. Measurements over the last
50 years at LACEF have provided integral data that pro-
vide important tests of fundamental nuclear cross sec-
tions. It is widely known that measurements of the crit-
icality (“k
”) of a system can be used to test certa in
aspects of the fundamental nuclear data, as we discussed
in the last subsection. In this subsection we discuss a less
well-known use of c ritical assemblies, where they have
been used to meas ure reaction rates of certain impor tant
nuclear processes w ithin the neutron spectrum provided
by the assembly, to provide important integral tests of
the underlying nuclear cross section databases that we
Many different cr itical assemblies have been developed
over the years: Godiva is a bare sphere of highly-enriched
uranium (HEU); Jezebel is a bare sphere of plutonium;
Jezebel 23 is a bare sphere of
U. The Flattop experi-
ments involved spherical cores of HEU or plutonium sur-
rounded by
U reflector material to make the compos-
ite systems critical. These different systems all produce
neutron spectr a within them that are “fast”, i.e. the neu-
trons are predominantly o f energies in the 10 0 keV - few
MeV region, but the exact spec tra vary from system to
system. Holes were drilled into the critical assemblies to
allow foils of different materials to be placed, such that
they are exposed to different neutron spectr a depending
upon their location. An assembly with a softer neutron
sp e ctrum is Big-10, which was made o f large amounts of
U and
The neutron spectrum gets softer as one moves out
from the center of the as sembly, thereby giving additional
information about the qua lity of the cross section data
in different energy regimes. An example of these data
U(n,f) and (n,2n) as taken in the Flattop-25 and
Topsy assemblies is shown in Fig. 105. (Topsy was an
early mockup of a
U core reflected by natural ura-
nium made by stacking cub es of material—its geometry
is not as clean as the later Flattop experiment.) T he
calculations were done using multigroup methods bas ed
on MATXS cross sections from NJOY formatted with
TRANSX for PARTISN. A very fine group structure with
1/16-lethargy intervals in the fast region was used for
high accuracy. The multigroup r e sults were checked by
tallying in several 1- c m shells using MCNP5, and good
agreement was obtained. Fig. 106 for
U(n,2n) shows a
different presentation of these data in a form often used
by radiochemists. The abscissa is a measure of the hard-
ness of the spectrum, and this kind of plot often allows
data from different assemblies to be compared on a com-
mon basis. This is demonstrated here using data from
Flattop-25 and Topsy. Note how the calculated central
ratio for Big-10 als o fits into this kind of plot.
These comparisons of prediction with experiment pro-
vide some confidence in the quality of the
cross section - both its magnitude and its energy-
dependence. The overprediction (Fig. 106) of the mea-
surements at lower spectral index values (though not for
Big-10) sugges ts that our
U(n,2n) cross section close
to its threshold may be to o high, see Fig. 28. But other
considerations in experiment (a desire to follow LANL ra-
diochemistry measurement by Knight for the (n,2n) r ise
from threshold, and the LANL value by Barr at 14.1
MeV) led us to the evaluated data shown in Fig. 28.
In Fig. 107 we show a calculation compared with ex-
perimental values for
U neutron capture. Good agree-
ment is found for most of the critical assembly measure-
ments, though for harder-spectrum systems (large values
of 238-fission/235-fission) ther e is an indication of an un-
der prediction of the data by 5-10%. This is valuable in-
formation as it tells us that a new study of
U neutron
capture in the ≈ 1 MeV region is needed. However, we