ENDF/B-VII.0: Next Generation... NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS M.B. Chadwick et al.
The resolved resonance region is a sort of no man’s land
in the sense that there is no theory capable of predicting
individual resonances. The physics is fa r too complex for
the microscopic few-body approach, while the practical
impo rtance of the region is such that we can not resort to
a purely statistical treatment. Therefore, realistic evalu-
ations require experimental data for neutron resonances .
These data have to be analyzed with statistical methods
to correc t for likely loss of resonances that escaped exper-
imental detection, and to as sign individual resonance pa-
rameters. In ENDF/B- VII.0 the Reich-Moore approach
derived from the R-matrix theory, as implemented in the
Oak Ridge code SAMMY, was utilized for the important
actinides. For about 150 fission product nuclei, the mul-
tilevel Breit-Wigner formalism, and statistical methods
from the Atlas of Neutron Resonances [30] were used at
The unresolved region is a transitional region that
could be treated with the methods from the resolved re-
gion as well as in the terms of the models used in the fast
neutron region. Whenever possible, we prefer to extrap-
olate results of the resonance region analysis and adjust
them to the available experimental cross sections in the
unresolved resonance region, since such an appro ach im-
proves the accuracy of self-shielding calculations.
The fast neutron region involves a whole suite of nu-
clear reaction models. Vertical arrows on the right hand
side of Fig. 1 indicate energy ranges for the major mech-
anisms. All the mo dels used in the fast neutron range
have a strong statistical compo nent resulting from the
averaging over many resonances. This is true even for
the direct reactions s uch a s DWBA and Coupled Chan-
nels, which while providing cr oss sections for inelastic
scattering to individual collective levels, still rely on the
optical potential resulting, at least conceptually, from the
averaging procedure. The Hauser-Feshbach for mulation
of the compound nucleus is a key model for any evalua-
tion in the fast neutron region, although in the low en-
ergy range it must be corrected to ac count for the width
fluctuation effects. At incident energie s above 10 MeV,
preequilibrium emission has to be taken into account and
we implement a variety of semi-classical and quantum-
mechanical models. All these are built into the two ma-
jor nuclear rea c tions codes GNASH (Los Alamo s) and
EMPIRE (BNL) used for ENDF/B-VII.0 evaluations .
While most of the nuclear reaction models used for the
evaluatio ns are predominantly phenomenological, their
usage involves a huge number of input parameters. These
include nuclear masses, deformations, optica l model po-
tentials, level densities, discrete level schemes, fission
barriers , and γ-ray stre ngth functions to mention only
the most impo rtant classes of par ameters. The qual-
ity of this input is reflected in the perfo rmance of nu-
clear models and becomes critical if there are no or
insufficient expe rimental data to constrain model c al-
culations. Developement of the ENDF/B-VII.0 library
largely benefited from the Reference Input Parameter
Library (RIPL), an international project coordinated by
the IAEA. The first phase of this project [33], under lead-
ership of Ignatyuk (IPPE) and O bloˇzinsk´y (IAEA, cur-
rently at BNL), set up the framework by compiling huge
numbers of model parameters. The second phase [34],
led by Young (LANL) and Obloˇzinsk´y/Herman (IAEA,
currently at BNL), s tandardized the format, extended
and updated the database, and per fo rmed validation of
the library. The third phase of the project, directed by
Herman (BNL) and Capote (IAEA), is extending the li-
brary to charged particles and to nuclei off the stability
line address ing issues not covered in the previous releases.
The availability of such a comprehensive and consistent
database was instrumental for the development of new
evaluatio ns for ENDF/B-VII.0.
2. Neutron resonances: R-matrix analysis
Two different approaches were used in the evaluations
of neutron resonances. ORNL use d its well known code
SAMMY base d on R-matrix fits to experimental cross
section da ta. BNL used another method that is based
on multi-level Breit-Wigner approach combined with sta-
tistical analysis of resonance parameters that were ex-
tracted from expe rimental c ross section data.
a. Resolved resonance region. Several important re-
solved resonance r e gion evaluations in ENDF/B-VII.0
were performed using the SAMMY software. In the res-
onance region, the cross-sec tion structure is sufficiently
complex to preclude the calculation of cross section data
from first principles. As a result, high-resolution (in
terms of cro ss-section and energ y) measurements must
be performed to obtain the complex data s tructure. Ac-
celerator facilities such as the Oak Ridge Electron Linear
Accelerator (ORELA) and the Rensselaer Polytechnic In-
stitute (RPI) Gaerttner accelerator. are used to perform
high-resolution cross-se c tion measurements in the reso-
nance region. Before the data can be transmitted to the
user community, the experimental data must be analyzed
using a sta te-of-the-art R-matrix analysis tool such as
SAMMY. SAMMY combines multichannel multilevel R-
matrix fits with corrections for experimental conditions
to fit experimental data to theoretical calculations us-
ing generalized least squares fitting procedures. A br ie f
discussion of the salient features of the SAMMY code is
given here. The detailed explanation can be found in the
SAMMY manual [27].
Theoretical cross sections in SAMMY are calculated
via the Reich-Moore approximation to R-matrix theor y.
R-matrix channels are characterized by the two parti-
cles with spin i and I, the orbital angular l, the channel
spin s (where s = i + l), and the total spin J (where
J = s + l) and parity π. Those channels having the same
J and π (the only two quantum numbers that are co n-
served) are collected in the same spin group. Resonances
(which app e ar as peaks in the cross sections ) are assigned
to particular s pin groups depending on their individual
characteristics; initial assignments may be changed as