ENDF/B-VII.0: Next Generation... NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS M.B. Chadwick et al.
generalized least squares codes used were GLUCS [222],
GMAP, and SOK [223]. A code based on an analytical
approximation model, PADE2 [224] was also used.
For the verification tests, it was assumed that no cor-
relations existed between the data sets. The only cor-
relations within the data sets were assumed to be short
energy range (statistical) and long energy range (normal-
ization). The generalized least squares codes were easily
shown to b e in good agreement. Work with these codes
led to the discovery of an error in the GMA code used
for the ENDF/B-VI standards evaluation that caused
a small effect on those standard cross sections results.
Comparisons of the R-matrix codes proved to be more
difficult s ince the input conditions were difficult to stan-
dardize. Additional work with these codes led to ac-
ceptable agreement between the codes especially if the
differences in approach and numerical precision differ-
ences were considered. Important conclusions from the
present work were that proper consideration of correla-
tions within and be tween data sets is required to obtain
more realistic uncertainties a nd that it is essential to con-
sider the covariances, no t just the variances, in applica-
tions of cross se c tions to practical systems.
D. Evaluation procedure
A combination procedure somewhat similar to that
used for the ENDF/B-VI standards evaluation was used
to obtain the s tandards. In the case of ENDF/B-VII.0
the code GMAP [2 19] was used for the combining process
described below rather than a s pecialized merging code
as was the case for ENDF/B-VI. All the standards ex-
cept the H(n,n),
He(n,p) and C(n,n) cross sections were
evaluated using the GMAP code with input from the
RAC and EDA R-matrix analyses and a thermal con-
stants evaluation.
For the thermal constants evaluation, the Axton evalu-
ation [225] with the associated variance -covariance data
Pu a nd
Pu was used as input to
the GMAP code since it includes accurate cro ss sections
which have be e n measured relative to the neutron cross
section standards. Thus this evaluation had an impact
on the determination of the standards.
The R-matrix analyses used charged-particle data and
the entire lithium and boron neutron databases, includ-
ing total and scattering cross section data for these nu-
clides. The only lithium and boron data use d in the
GMAP code were the ratio measurements to sta ndards.
Thus the R-matrix and GMAP data sets were indepen-
dent (no common or correlated data sets). For both the
Li(n,t) and boron work, the cross sections obtained from
the RAC and EDA R-matr ix analyses were not iden-
tical. For the
Li(n,t) cro ss section the two analyses
agreed within 2% at all energies. The agreement was not
as good for the
γ) and
B(n,α) cross sections
where there were differences as la rge as several percent
in some energy re gions. In each case the RAC a nd EDA
analyses were averaged (unweighted) and the result was
used as the R-matrix input to GMAP.
The covariance matrix used with these central val-
ues was that from the RAC code since its results ap-
peared more physically reasonable. The R-matrix input
and thermal constants data were treated like the addi-
tions of other data sets to the GMAP code. At each
energy point, half the difference between the RAC and
GMAP results was treated as a model uncer tainty that
was added qua dratically to the RAC covariance of un-
certainties. This then takes into account the small differ-
ences between the RAC and EDA analyses .
The results obtained from the combination proce-
dure were not smooth in some cases. For the
γ), and
B(n,α) cr oss section smoothing was
not required due to the larg e weight given to the cro ss sec-
tions from the R- matrix analyses. For the heavy element
standards, it was determined that a simple smoothing
algorithm was satisfa c tory, which was used sparingly. A
patch using the shape of the Maslov [226] evalua ted curve
was applied in the 50-60 MeV region for the
cross section wher e a rather large fluctuation, assumed
to be statistical, occurre d.
E. Results of the evaluation
Representative results from the evaluations for
the H(n,n),
B(n,α), Au(n,γ),
U(n,f), a nd
U(n,f) standard cross sections are
shown in Fig s. 67-73. All uncertainties shown are
one standard deviation values. These uncertainties are
generally somewhat larger than those obta ined in the
ENDF/B-VI standards evaluation. The C(n,n) standard
cross section was carried over from the ENDF/B-VI eval-
uation since very little new data have been obtained sub-
sequent to tha t evaluation; what were obtained were in
good agreement. The
He(n,p) standard was not re-
evaluated. It was also carried over from ENDF/B-VI.
Cross sectio ns for the
U(n,γ) and
Pu(n,f) reactions
were also obtained from this evaluation, see Figs. 27 and
Some benchmark data testing has been done using
these data. K1, the Gwin thermal reactivity parameter
calculated from the eva luation is 721.6 b. This should
be compared with the “preferred” va lue of 722.7 ± 3 .9 b
determined by Hardy [227]. The agreement is quite good
when one considers that the uncertainty in the Hardy
value is 3.9 b. Criticality calculations using these data
are generally in better agreement than those obtained
with the ENDF/B-VI standa rds, as discuss e d in Section
[3] The Gwin thermal reactivity parameter is defined as K1 = ¯ν
- g
, where fission and absorption cross sections
are given at the thermal energy, and g
and g
are Westcott
factors for fission and absorption, respectively.