ENDF/B-VII.0: Next Generation... NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS M.B. Chadwick et al.
small positive and negative effects except for 3 materi-
Pu, chromium and manganese, which increase the
calculated value by 1100 pcm, 1700 pcm and 600 pcm,
respectively. The apparent overprediction of k
by over
1000 pcm by the ENDF/B-VII.0
Pu in this s oft spec-
trum assembly is consistent with the misprediction of
ENDF/B-VII.0 data discussed below for the thermal Pu
solution ass emblies. Review of the data in the resonance
regions for
Pu and chromium is a priority for future
work on Version VII; review of the data for manganese
in this energy r ange is in progress.
3. Thermal, high- and low-enriched
U solution
Thermal, highly enriched
U ho mogeneous solution
benchmarks have been used to test the accuracy of low
energy ENDF/B cross section data sets for many years.
In the past, the benchmark configurations were obtained
from various Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Rocky
Flats progress reports, but in recent years these bench-
marks have be en incor porated into the ICSBEP Hand-
book, which forms the bas is for the benchmark model
results presented here. In addition, the ICSBEP Hand-
book has allowed data testers to expand their benchmark
test suites to include low-enriched thermal solution ex-
periments. We shall show how the new ENDF/B-VII.0
library, like the old ENDF/B-VI.8 library, performs well
for these assemblies.
C/E values for k
have been calculated for a suite
of 62 critical a ssemblies from 14 HEU-SOL-THERM
(HST) or LEU-SOL-THERM (LST) benchmark evalu-
ations. The HST benchmarks represe nt experimental
work performed at Oak Ridge Na tional Laborator y, or
at Rocky Flats, while the LST benchmarks represent
exp eriments performed at the Japanese STACY facility.
These benchmarks have mos t commonly been corre lated
versus Above-Thermal Leakage Fraction (ATLF), e.g.,
(ATLF) = b
+ b
*ATLF. ATLF is the net leak-
age out of the solution of neutrons whose e nergies ex-
ceed 0.625 eV. For large assemblies with minimal leakage
such as HST42, near unity C/E k
provide an indication
that thermal region data, such as thermal
U nu-bar,
U fiss ion and capture cross sections and the
thermal hydrogen capture cross section are accurately de-
fined. Smaller systems with large ATLF test the higher
energy cross sections, the
U fission spectr um, elastic
scattering angular distributions and, for r e flec ted sys-
tems, the slowing down and reflection of above-thermal
neutrons back into the fissile solution. Early ENDF/B
cross sections, up to and including ENDF/B-VI.2, gen-
erally exhibited a sig nificant increasing C/E k
trend in
calculated HST C/E k
when correlated versus ATLF.
Following Lubitz’s work to revise the
U evaluation for
ENDF/B-VI.3, these deficiencies were la rgely eliminated
and have remained so through successive revisions. Re-
gression coefficients based upon 42 calculated HST C/E
TABLE XXIV: Linear regression coefficients for the above-
thermal leakage fraction (ATLF) correlation of HST bench-
mark C/E values for k
Cross section Regression intercept, Regression slope
data set b
and its 95% b
and its 95%
confidence interval confid ence interval
ENDF/B-VI.8 1.0009 ± 0.0031 -0.0020 ± 0.0083
ENDF/B-VII.0 1.0008 ± 0.0032 -0.0011 ± 0.0085
values for k
from MCNP5 and the ENDF/B-VI.8 cross
section data set are shown in Table XXIV.
Fig. 93 displays the calculated k
and the regress ion
determined from these data. As seen in the Table, the
ATLF ENDF/B-VI.8 regression intercept is 1.000 9 ±
0.0031 while the slope is -0.0020 ± 0.0083. The uncer-
tainties on these coefficients represent 95% co nfidence in-
tervals. This intercept is statistically equivalent to unity,
indicating no bias in C/E for k
for this class of c ritical
benchmark. The slope is also statistically equivalent to
zero, indicating the absence of an C/E k
trend versus
ATLF fo r this class of benchmark. Similar results have
been observed at Bettis and KAPL using their contin-
uous energy Monte Carlo codes (RCP01 and RACER,
An important goal in developing the new ENDF/B-
VII.0 libra ry is to impr ove the data files while at the same
time retaining the aforementioned good performance seen
with ENDF/B-VI.8 (in the homoge neous solution bench-
mark category). This goal has been attained. Fig . 94
shows the same suite of HST benchmarks as displayed
in Fig. 93, now calculated by MCNP5 with ENDF/B-
VII.0 cross sections. T he resulting regress ion coefficients
are also pr esented in Table XXIV. The new intercept
term is 1.0008 ± 0.0032, a result that remains statisti-
cally equivalent to unity while the new slope is -0.0011
± 0.0085, a result that remains statistically equivalent
to zero . These results have been confirmed with contin-
uous energ y Monte C arlo calculations at Bettis with the
RCP01 code. For a similar suite of HST benchmarks,
their regression coefficients are 1.0000 ± 0.0014 for the
intercept and -0.0027 ± 0.0050 for the regression slope.
Although not shown on these figures nor included in de-
veloping the regression coefficients, calculations have also
been performed for a suite of 20 LST benchmarks (LST4,
-7, -20 and -21). These configurations have ATLF values
that range from ∼0.09 to ∼0.20 and ENDF/B-VI I .0 cal-
culated k
that range from 0.997 80 ± 0.00009 to 1.00212
± 0.00008; values that are within the predicted popula-
tion 95% confidence interval for this regression. T he c on-
sistency of the ENDF/B-VI.8 and ENDF/B-VII.0 cross
section libraries for thermal solution benchmarks is also
exhibited by noting that the average ENDF/B-VI.8 c al-
culated k
for the suite of 62 (42 HST plus 20 LST) so-
lution benchmarks is 1.0001 with a population standard
deviation of 0.0039 while the corresponding ENDF/B-
VII.0 average value is 1.0003 with a population standard
deviation of 0.0040.