ENDF/B-VII.0: Next Generation... NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS M.B. Chadwick et al.
h. Fission: The relation used in the s tatistical
model for the fission cross sec tion is
(E) =
(EJπ), (27)
where σ
(EJπ) is the population of the fissioning nu-
cleus in the s tate EJπ and P
(EJπ) represents the fis-
sion probability.
In GNASH fission probabilities are calculated from the
quantum-mechanical trans mission coefficient through a
simple double-humped fission barrier, using uncoupled
oscillators fo r the r e presentation of the barriers. The bar-
rier penetrabilities are computed using the Hill-Wheeler
formula for inve rted parabolas. An additional parameter
is used to account for level density enhancement due to
asymmetry at saddle points.
Version 2.19 (Lodi) of the EMPIRE introduces an
advanced fission formalism that is applicable to multi-
chance fission induced by light particles and photons. It
uses an optical model for fission to calculate transmis-
sion through coupled single-, double- and triple-humped
fission barriers, starting from sub-barrier e xcitation en-
ergies. In the case of a double-humped barrier, the ex-
pression is generalized to account for multi-modal fission.
For light actinides, a triple-humped fission barrier with
a shallow tertiary well, which accommodates undamped
vibrational sta tes , is employe d. This fission model can
provide good des c ription of experimental da ta (includ-
ing gross vibrational re sonant structure at sub-barrier
energies), has re asonably good predictive power, and im-
proves the accuracy of determination of fission barrier
i. Exclusive spectra: The standard ENDF-6 format
requires exclusive particle spectra in the formatted files.
For example, the neutron spectrum as sociated with the
(n,2n) reaction must include both the firs t and the sec-
ond neutron that were e mitted to create the relevant
(n,2n) residue. Consequently, the first emitted neutron,
if followed by any other particle emission, must not be
counted in the (n,n’) spectrum. This requirement is a
challenge for standard model codes that often do not
carry over enoug h his tory to disentangle e mission spectra
into the exclusive ones .
Both GNASH and EMPIRE are capable of providing
such exclus ive sp ectra. In the case of GNASH, emission
histories are sto red in the file and analyzed by a dedi-
cated code, RECOIL, once the GNASH calculations are
EMPIRE performs this calculation internally using the
concept of “po pulation spectra”. Fig. 8 sketches the pro-
cedure involved in the calculations. The separate “pop-
ulation spectr a” are associated with each energy bin in
the disc retized continuum. They represent cumulative
sp e ctra for each type of ejectile that contributed to the
population of a given energy bin in the residue. Each
time a particle is emitted it removes a part of the “pop-
ulation spectra” in the bin from which it o riginates and
FIG. 8: Schematic representation of the algorithm for calcu-
lation of exclusive spectra (see text for details).
deposits it on the population spectrum of the final bin.
The particle itself contributes to the final bin population
sp e ctrum a spike a t the energy with which particle was
In this calculational scheme, γ-transitions play a par-
ticular role of transferring “population spectra” down to
the excitations stable against particle emission. These
contributions (undepleted) sum up on the residual nu-
cleus ground state to form exclusive spectra associated
with the residue.
j. Recoils: Spe c tra of recoils are particularly impor-
tant for c alculation of the radiation damage and heating
caused by reaction products in various construction ma-
terials. GNASH and EMPIRE provide recoil sp e c tra in
the laboratory sy stem accounting for the energy boost
due to the center of mass motion. The LANL RECOIL
code calculates, and then stores in the ENDF-6 format,
the recoil spectr a. At higher energies (>20 MeV) for
LA150 evaluations, a model was developed to calculate
the energy distributions of all r e c oil nuclei in the GNASH
calculations by Chadwick in 1996. The recoil energy dis-
tributions are repr e sented in the laboratory system in
MF=6, MT=5, and are given a s isotropic in the la b sys-
tem. All other data in MF= 6,MT=5 are given in the
center-of-mass system. This method of representation
utilizes the LCT=3 option approved at the November,
1996, CSEWG meeting.
In EMPIRE, spectra of reco ils are calculated internally
using an algorithm analogous to the one used fo r the ex-
clusive spectra. Accordingly, energy correlations between
subsequent emissions are taken into account. The result-
ing spectra are integrated over angles and summed over
intermediate spins. However, the asymmetric angular
distribution of the fir st ejectile is taken into account when
parent nucleus and ejectile velocity vectors are added to
produce the residual nucleus (recoil) velocity.
k. Prompt fis sion neutron spectra: The Los Alamos
(Madland-Nix) model of the prompt fiss ion neutron spec-
trum and average prompt neutron multiplicity is based
upon c lassical nuclear evaporation theory and utilizes an