Wanless, 1991; Fig. 4.20). Sedimentation takes place in
the upper shoreface in spite of the high energy condi-
tions, due to the even stronger sediment supply from
the lower shoreface, fluvial systems, and longshore
currents (i.e., sediment supply > environmental energy
flux). Coeval with sedimentation in the upper shoreface,
erosion in the lower shoreface generates the regressive
surface of marine erosion (Fig. 4.20; energy flux > sedi-
ment supply). This scour surface is gradually down-
lapped by the prograding and downstepping
(offlapping) upper shoreface forced regressive lobes.
Sedimentation and erosional processes operate in such
a way that the concave-up shoreface profile is preserved
during the forced regression of the shoreline, which is
the reason why the regressive surface of marine erosion
forms in the first place (Fig. 4.20). Within the shoreface
environment, the change from depositional to erosional
regimes takes place at a point of balance between
sediment supply and environmental energy flux (lever
point in Fig. 4.20).
During storms, the increased wave energy erodes
the beach and part of the upper shoreface lobes,
contributing to the sediment redistribution to the
deeper shelf environment. The regressive surface
of marine erosion continues to form, and ultimately
becomes part of the depositional sequence boundary
(sensu Hunt and Tucker, 1992) seaward of the last
(youngest) forced regressive shoreface clinoform
(Figs. 4.23 and 4.24).
Seawards of the coastal and shoreface systems, the
shelf environment shrinks rapidly as a result of the
high-rate shoreline regression, and is generally
subject to sediment reworking due to the instability
induced by the lowering of the storm wave base (Fig.
5.26). In the case of high-magnitude falls in base level,
the entire shelf may become subaerially exposed, in
which case the entire coastal to shallow marine-envi-
ronment is reduced to the downstepping shelf-edge
deltas and their correlative open shoreline systems
(Fig. 5.27). In the case of low-magnitude falls in base
level, when the shoreline does not reach the shelf
edge, forced regressive shelf sediments may get
preserved between the basal surface of forced regres-
sion (below) and a composite surface that includes the
regressive surface of marine erosion and the correla-
tive conformity (above) (Figs. 4.23 and 4.24). These
forced regressive shelf sediments have similar sedi-
mentological characteristics to the underlying high-
stand shelf facies, including hummocky cross-stratified
sand/shale successions in the inner shelf and fine-
grained suspension sedimentation deposits in the
outer shelf. Therefore, the separation in core and well
logs between highstand and forced regressive shelf
sediments across the basal surface of forced regression
is most challenging (Fig. 4.25), although at a larger
scale the differences in the rates of progradation and
the overall stratigraphic geometries may offer useful
Transgressive Settings
A rise in base level accompanied by transgression
leads to erosion of the foreshore and upper shoreface
and deposition in the lower shoreface (Bruun, 1962;
Dominguez and Wanless, 1991; Figs. 3.20 and 5.6). The
erosional processes are generated by waves in the
upper shoreface as the shoreline transgresses, in an
attempt to preserve the concave-up graded profile of
the shoreface. The resulting scour (wave-ravinement)
surface is highly diachronous, with the rate of shoreline
transgression. Part of the sediment derived from the
erosion of the upper shoreface is transferred towards
the land in relation to the asymmetrical wave motion,
contributing to the formation of backstepping beaches
or estuary-mouth complexes, whereas some finer sedi-
ment is transported seaward to ‘heal’ the bathymetric
profile of the lower shoreface (Figs. 3.20, 3.21, and 5.6).
In addition to deposition in backstepping coastal
and onlapping lower shoreface systems, mainly
related to wave processes, sandy macroforms may also
form on the shelf in relation to tidal currents (Figs. 5.57–
5.62; Posamentier, 2002). Such ‘shelf ridges’ may
constitute the reservoirs of ideal stratigraphic traps,
being encased in transgressive fine-grained sediments,
and form as a result of tidal reworking of the under-
lying regressive coastline deposits (Posamentier,
2002). Among all systems tracts, the formation and
preservation of sandy shelf sheets and ridges is most
likely linked with the transgressive systems tract,
because of the significant extent of the shallow-
marine environment during transgression, coupled
with the accumulation of overlying highstand facies
that protect the transgressive deposits from subse-
quent subaerial erosion. Excepting for these tidal
macroforms, the rest of the shelf is mainly subject to
pelagic sedimentation, as the coarser terrigenous sedi-
ment is generally trapped within the rapidly aggrad-
ing fluvial and coastal systems. Sediment starvation
on the shelf during transgression may also lead to the
development of condensed sections, or even scouring
of the underlying regressive deposits (Loutit et al., 1988;
Galloway, 1989).
It can be noted that the terrigenous sediment
supply to the shelf environment changes significantly
between transgressions and regressions. This switch is
controlled by the balance between accommodation
and sedimentation at the shoreline. During regressions,