and resolution, as well as facies preservation, may
make subjective the choice of where the subaerial
unconformity loses its attribute of sequence boundary.
For example, subaerial erosion during base-level fall
may obliterate the offlapping pattern of stratal termi-
nations, which may make it impossible to recognize
which surface (‘correlative conformity’) corresponds
to the oldest clinoform associated with offlap (i.e., the
paleo-seafloor at the onset of forced regression).
According to the depositional sequence III and IV
models, the sequence boundary is taken at the top of
forced regressive deposits, and includes the entire subaerial
unconformity, the correlative conformity (sensu Hunt
and Tucker, 1992, which is the youngest clinoform asso-
ciated with offlap), and the distal (younger) portion of
the regressive surface of marine erosion that is overlain
by lowstand normal regressive strata (Fig. 6.3). With
identical sequence boundaries, depositional sequences
III and IV differ in terms of their partitioning into
systems tracts, as illustrated in Fig. 1.7. Although this
difference is merely of semantic nature, it may create
considerable confusion for a reader who is not aware
of the nomenclatural preferences of various groups
involved in stratigraphic research.
It is important to emphasize that regardless of what
depositional sequence model is employed, the defini-
tion of the sequence boundary as the subaerial uncon-
formity and its correlative conformity is oversimplified.
In reality, there is a good probability that at least part of
the correlative conformity that forms in the shallow-
marine environment is reworked and replaced by the
regressive surface of marine erosion (Figs. 4.23, 4.24,
and 6.3). In this case, the regressive surface of marine
erosion becomes part of the composite depositional
sequence boundary, whether the correlative conform-
ity is taken at the base or at the top of forced regressive
deposits (Figs. 4.23, 4.24, and 6.3).
Irrespective of the depositional sequence model of
choice, the key to a valid interpretation is the proper
identification of facies relationships and syndeposi-
tional shoreline shifts. Such analyses allow identifica-
tion of the key surfaces that can be used to build the
sequence stratigraphic framework, which in turn can
be used for genetic interpretations and predictive
exploration. The choice of sequence type, based on
what surfaces should mark the beginning and the end
of full cycles of changes in depositional trends,
becomes of secondary importance.
A conceptual merit of the depositional sequence
models is that sequence boundaries are defined relative
to the base-level curve (as opposed to the transgressive–
regressive curve; Fig. 4.6), and hence they are independ-
ent of sedimentation rates. Variations in sedimentation
rates along strike may result in the formation of highly
diachronous maximum flooding and maximum regres-
sive surfaces, as demonstrated by numerical computa-
tions (e.g., Martinsen and Helland-Hansen, 1995;
Catuneanu et al., 1998b; more details on this topic are
discussed in Chapter 7). This problem is bypassed by
the depositional sequence boundaries, as correlative
conformities (both sensu Posamentier et al., 1988, and
sensu Hunt and Tucker, 1992) can be equated more reli-
ably with chronostratigraphic markers. Also, subaerial
unconformities form arguably the most important type
of stratigraphic surface, being associated with the
largest hiatuses and separating genetically related pack-
ages of strata. A practical pitfall of these models is that
the shallow-water portion of the correlative confor-
mities is typically invisible in small- to average-size
outcrops, in cores, or on wireline logs, although its
approximate position may be inferred from larger-scale
outcrops and seismic data within 10
m intervals.
In deep-water settings, however, correlative conformi-
ties may be easier to pinpoint relative to other types of
stratigraphic surfaces, based on changes in deposi-
tional elements that are likely triggered by the events
marking the onset and end of base-level fall at the
shoreline (e.g., Fig. 5.63).
Soon after the initial definition of depositional
sequences by Mitchum (1977), an attempt was made to
differentiate between sequences bounded by uncon-
formities associated with widespread erosion (‘type 1’)
and sequences bounded by surfaces associated with
minimal erosion (‘type 2’) (Vail et al., 1984). This distinc-
tion was conceptualized in terms of relative magnitudes
of sea-level fall and subsidence at the shelf edge (Vail
et al., 1984) or at the shoreline (Posamentier and Vail,
1988), with the dominance of the former resulting in
the formation of type 1 sequence boundaries and the
dominance of the latter resulting in the formation of
type 2 sequence boundaries. However, since the effects
of sea-level change and subsidence are often difficult
to separate in the rock record, the introduction of types 1
and 2 depositional sequences has proved to cause more
confusion than benefit. Consequently, Posamentier and
Allen (1999) advocate elimination of type 1 and 2
designations in favor of a single type of depositional
sequence. More details regarding the definition of type 1
and type 2 sequences and sequence boundaries are
provided in Chapter 5.
Lastly, additional confusion related to the concept
of depositional sequence was caused by the temporal
connotations introduced by a sequence hierarchy
system based on the cyclicity of eustatic fluctuations
(Vail et al., 1991). Even though the original definitions
of depositional sequences did not imply any spatial or
temporal scales (Mitchum, 1977; Posamentier et al., 1988),
Vail et al. (1991) proposed to restrict the concept of