systems tracts for the stratigraphic study of fluvial
deposits represents a departure from the first-genera-
tion sequence stratigraphic models, whose systems
tracts and predicted stratal architectures were intrinsi-
cally linked to changes in sea level or relative sea level
(e.g., Vail et al., 1977; Jervey, 1988; Posamentier and
Vail, 1988; Posamentier et al., 1988). The applicability
of these early models to fully fluvial, proximal succes-
sions has been questioned by Blum (1990, 1994), Miall
(1991), Schumm (1993), Wright and Marriot (1993) and
Shanley and McCabe (1994), the debate culminating
with the definition of low- vs. high-accommodation
systems tracts (or ‘successions’) in the mid 1990s (e.g.,
Olsen et al., 1995; Dahle et al., 1997).
As with the downstream-controlled fluvial systems,
the upstream-controlled fluvial systems may also
develop in various tectonic settings characterized by
different amounts of available accommodation. Even
though the usage in conjunction of low- and high-
accommodation settings and systems tracts seems
cumbersome to some extent, fluctuations with time in
the amounts of available fluvial accommodation in any
tectonic setting permit the recognition of low- and high-
accommodation systems tracts in both low- and high-
accommodation settings. For example, a fluvial sequence
developed within a high-accommodation ‘setting’
may include a succession of low- and high-accommo-
dation ‘systems tracts,’ reflecting changes in subsidence
rates during a full cycle of positive accommodation
(e.g., Olsen et al., 1995; Arnott et al., 2002). The same
may be said about fluvial sequences developed within
low-accommodation settings, although in such cases
fluvial sequences tend to consist almost exclusively of
low-accommodation systems tracts (e.g., Olsen et al.,
1995; Arnott et al., 2002).
From the above discussion it may be inferred that
fluvial sequence stratigraphic models may be classi-
fied from two different viewpoints, one that emphasizes
the presence or absence of marine influences during the
accumulation of fluvial deposits, and one that lays
emphasis on the amount of fluvial accommodation that
is available during sedimentation. The first group of
models makes the distinction between zones 2 and 3 in
Fig. 3.3, in which fluvial systems relate to downstream
and upstream controls, respectively, requiring the
usage of different systems tract terminology. In this
classification, downstream-controlled fluvial systems
are part of standard lowstand – transgressive – high-
stand systems tracts, whereas the upstream-controlled
fluvial sequences, formed independently of base-level
fluctuations, are partitioned into low- and high-
accommodation systems tracts. The second group of
models focuses on the differences between the fluvial
stratigraphy developed within low- vs. high-accom-
modation settings, irrespective of the presence or
absence of marine influences on fluvial processes. The
following is a brief discussion of the existing models of
fluvial sequence stratigraphy.
Fluvial Cyclicity Controlled by Base-level
The base-level control on fluvial cyclicity represents
the essence of the first-generation sequence strati-
graphic models, which assume a direct correlation
between rising and falling base level, on the one hand,
and fluvial aggradation and downcutting on the other,
respectively (e.g., Jervey, 1988; Posamentier and Vail,
1988; Posamentier et al., 1988). The predictable rela-
tionship between fluvial processes and base-level
changes reflects a most likely scenario, but exceptions
do occur as discussed in Chapter 3 (e.g., Figs. 3.20
and 3.31). This relationship is valid for the downstream
reaches of fluvial systems (zone 2 in Fig. 3.3), where
rivers respond to ‘downstream controls’ (i.e., interplay
of sea-level changes, basin subsidence, and climate-
induced fluctuations in environmental energy flux). In
such settings, which may be characterized by either
low or high accommodation in Leckie and Boyd’s (2003)
scheme of fluvial stratigraphy, fluvial deposits may be
integrated within the standard lowstand, transgressive,
and highstand systems tracts.
Interesting to note is that in the case of fluvial
processes controlled by base-level changes, both areas
of fluvial aggradation and incision expand through
time from the shoreline in an upstream direction, via
the landward shift of depositional or erosional knick-
points. Thus, the gradual expansion of the deposi-
tional area during base-level rise results in a pattern of
fluvial onlap (Figs. 5.4 and 5.5), whereas the landward
expansion of incised valleys during base-level fall is
linked to the upstream migration of erosional knick-
points (case A in Fig. 3.31; Figs. 3.32 and 5.16). Within
this context, both fluvial aggradation and incision are
explained by changes in fluvial-energy flux in response
to corresponding changes in the slope gradient of the
downstream portion of the fluvial landscape. As such,
coastal aggradation during base-level rise leads to a
shallowing of the fluvial profile in the vicinity of the
shoreline, which in turn triggers fluvial aggradation.
During base-level fall, a subaerially exposed seafloor
that is steeper than the fluvial graded profile at the
onset of forced regression initiates fluvial erosion, which
starts from the shoreline, expanding gradually upstream.
As depositional and erosional knickpoints migrate
upstream during stages of base-level rise and fall,
respectively, the difference in slope gradients between
the new and the old fluvial profiles diminishes with
increasing distance from the coeval shoreline, up to
the point where rivers do not respond to base-level