discovered, and are used as biopharmaceuticals to enhance the immune
response against infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, and protozoa) and to
treat some autoimmune conditions and some types of cancer (Table 16.1).
There are distinct classes of IFNs, and humans produce at least three;
IFNÆ, IFN, and IFNª (Walsh, 2003).
The IFNÆ class consists of approximately 20 subtypes of mole-
cules, most of them having 165–172 amino acids and a molar mass of
approximately 20 kDa. Depending on the subtype, they can be either
O-glycosylated or non-glycosylated, and present over 70% amino acid
homology with each other. Beyond being abundant in leucine and gluta-
mate, they are characterized by conserved cysteines, usually at positions 1,
29, 99, and 139, which generally form two disulfide bonds. The secondary
structure is characterized by several Æ-helices and no -sheets. The major
application of IFNÆ as a biopharmaceutical is the treatment of hepatitis,
but some commercial preparations have already been approved for leuke-
mia and other types of cancer.
IFN is produced in vivo normally by fibroblasts. In humans, only one
IFN is found, which has 166 amino acids and a molar mass larger than 20
kDa. The molecule has a disulfide bond as well as an N-linked carbo-
hydrate chain bound to asparagine 80. Structurally, it is characterized by
the presence of five Æ-helices. Recombinant IFN is marketed under the
names of Betaferon
, Betaseron
, Avonex
, and Rebif
, being indicated
for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, since it blocks the secretion of other
cytokines involved in the pathogenesis of this disease.
IFNª, also known as immune interferon, is produced in vivo predomi-
nantly by lymphocytes. Human IFNª has 143 amino acids, with a molar
mass varying between 17 and 25 kDa, depending on the level of N-
glycosylation. The secondary structure consists of six Æ-helices. The most
important therapeutic application of IFN ª is the treatment of chronic
granulomatous disease (CGD), a rare genetic condition characterized by
the deficiency of phagocytic cells. CGD is characterized by repeated
infections in sufferers because of the absence of phagocytes to ingest or
destroy infectious agents (Walsh, 2003).
Until the 1970s, the source of exogenous IFN for therapeutic use was
human blood itself. However, recombinant DNA technology made possi-
ble the cloning of IFN genes into several expression systems, such as
Escherichia coli, yeast, and mammalian cells, facilitating the large-scale
production of these proteins and increasing safety. The level of glycosyla-
tion of these proteins determines the expression system in which they
should be expressed. IFNÆ, for example, is not glycosylated in its native
form and therefore can be expressed in E. coli. Mammalian cells, especially
CHO cells, may be used to produce the other IFN classes, which are
Another cytokine class used as a biopharmaceutical is interleukin (IL),
which consists of at least 25 different subtypes (IL-1 to IL-25). Except for
IL-1, most interleukins are glycosylated and have a molar mass in the
range of 15–30 kDa. IL-2 is the most well studied interleukin, and its
recombinant form is approved for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma.
Since the absence of glycosylation does not affect its biological activity,
rIL-2 is produced in genetically engineered E. coli.
Recombinant therapeutic proteins 391