133Silicon nanostructured films grown on templated surfaces
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
mechanism. Although most of the studies are in two dimensions, an extension
to three-dimension simulation has also been reported (Kardar et al., 1989).
However, thus far very scarce experimental demonstration has been reported
on the formation of this fan-like structure. In our study, a Monte Carlo (MC)
simulation with nearest-neighbor ballistic sticking followed by a diffusion
mechanism has been proposed to describe the fan-like structures.
Very few theoretical studies of the surface evolution concerning patterned
surfaces have been carried out, mainly due to the crossover of the scales
in this system. Typically, the size of individual patterns varies from tens
of nanometers to several hundreds of nanometers. each of these patterns
is a result of the deposition where the atomic level surface processes and
the mesoscopic processes such as mass transport cooperate to determine
the growth of nanostructures on top of it. Based on this fact, the model we
choose to simulate the surface growth at this scale should be able to handle
the following processes (Imry, 2002):
∑ generating non-smooth patterned surfaces;
∑ multi-valued surface proles;
∑ incorporation of atomic level surface processes, such as diffusion;
∑ complex stochastic processes in mesoscopic scales.
Ideally, multi-scale simulation techniques can provide the best solution in
this situation (Castez and Salvarezza, 2006). However, in the context of
limited resources, MC simulation can also address some of the issues listed
above. In general, physical events including deposition of particles at random
positions, surface diffusion, surface hopping, and evaporation of surface
particles, can be embedded into the MC simulation.
Most recently, the importance of mass transport has been evaluated in
surface growth models (Suzuki and Taga, 2001; Raible et al., 2002; van
Dijken et al., 1999; Luedtke and Landman, 1989). This mass transport can be
due to the inter-atomic interaction of the incoming particles and the surface
particles (referred to as the ‘steering effect’), and geometric effects such
as the shadowing effect. The steering effect and other growth mechanisms
will be studied by 3D MC simulations. In our MC model, a 3D lattice with
dimensions 1024 ¥ 1024 ¥ 1024 is formed by cubic lattice points. One cube
represents an incident particle so that it has the dimension of a cubic lattice
point. Figure 6.6 shows a schematic of the simple cubic system in this MC
simulation with ballistic sticking and surface diffusion processes allowed.
In the ballistic sticking model, an incident atom moving into an empty
nearest-neighbor lattice point will occupy that empty position immediately.
In contrast, in a solid-on-solid model, that atom will pass that empty spot
unless it is the lowest position the atom can go in the system (Amar and
Family, 1990). We believe that the ballistic sticking model of incident atoms
comes from the inter-atomic interactions.
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