argues that their psychology was a product of narrative discourses that constructed
them, and that in the absence of modern analytical categories fostered by literacy,
perceptions and categories were very different from ours. Her evidence of language
and behaviour suggests that a nobleman might behave as a client on relevant
occasions, but that consciousness was not articulated in an analytical way that
encouraged a sense of being in a continuous sense. This view would fit in with other
specialised studies of the behaviour of particular noble affinities, in which ‘clients’
are observed to profess fidelity to more than one patron, to change sides or play off
one patron against the other, and to set limits to their obligations. A fluidity was
always present in the system as advantages and rewards were redefined and claims
to have fulfilled obligations were renegotiated. The focal point of loyalty tended to
be towards a family or lineage, rather than an individual, and family strategies were
discussed in family councils.
Honour was clearly a notion around which
patronage and clientage revolved, and the honour of having connections to the
influential might itself have been almost a social necessity and sometimes a
Entering into social relations with individuals of high status conferred
status and honour on lower ranking individuals.
Friendship took place between
those of equal rank, even though the language of friendship was often used by a
superior to an inferior, thus honouring him.
In spite of recent work, it cannot yet be said that a clear picture, or even a precise
definition, of patronage, clientage or friendship has yet emerged. Unfortunately,
sociological studies of patronage in the modern world, based on examples from the
mid-nineteenth century onwards, apply only in very general terms to the early
modern period.
If the work on the ancien régime were incorporated into the
sociological literature, it would surely lead to a process of redefinition and the
posing of new questions by sociologists. However, although precise definitions are
elusive, broad generalisations are possible and a preliminary consensus has
emerged. It is certainly helpful to draw a distinction between patronage, clientage
and friendship. The former involves the according of favours, be they pecuniary or
honorific, or other services, to a client of inferior status. The relationship is
reciprocal, and the other party is expected to return the service at some stage by
loyal action. Friendship, also based on an exchange of services, takes place within
the same social level between relative equals, and is important both in local politics
and at court. Kinship networks often led to the working together of ‘clans’ that
included relations by marriage and blood of many social levels, and thus could
involve both friendship and clientage.
It is, however, difficult to go beyond generalisations without entering a world of
example and counter-example, in which the contours become decidedly blurred. It
is not clear that the patron dominated ‘his’ network of clients, because he was the
focus rather than the apex of the network and because his position as a patron
depended upon his ability to deliver rewards and favours. The demands from
clients were constant, and if not fulfilled at least in small measure, could lead to
defection to another more powerful patron.
Furthermore, lesser clients could have
several patrons, as an ultimate choice was rarely forced upon them, and were