to, 225, 228–32; corporatism of, 228–9,
233–4, 249, 270, 274; self perception,
229–31, 248, 251; jurisdiction, 29, 31,
151, 194, 215–16, 222–5, 234, 244,
247–8, 251–8, 261–2, 270–3, 275–6,
290, 293–4, 311; procedure, 216–17,
226–8, 230, 255, 285–6, 311; First
President, role of, 223–8, 252, 254–5,
258, 282–3, 285–7, 292–3; gens du roi,
role of, 137, 225–6, 229, 255–6, 260,
268, 276–8, 282, 287–92; enquêtes, role
of, 225, 228, 251–6, 258, 261, 264–9,
277–8, 280, 293; requêtes, role of, 225,
228, 251–6, 264–8; and Jansenism,
213–17, 219–21, 243–54, 276–9, 281–
95, 321–5; and Bull Unigenitus, 246–58;
and Gallicanism, 247, 270–2, 291; and
Douai affair, 281–7; and Saint Vincent
de Paul, 287–9; and Grand Conseil, 290;
and political crisis, 34–5, 235–74, 308–
12, 316
parlementary constitutionalism, 215, 232–
3, 235, 270, 273, 275, 299
parti dévot, 102, 293–4
parti janséniste, 7, 33, 151, 199–221, 249–51,
254–8, 270–1, 273–4, 276–80, 302–3,
Pascal, B. (1623–62), 198, 200, 202
Pasquier de Coulans, D.L. (1698–1783),
conseiller, first enquêtes, grand’chambrier
1754, 257–8, 262–4
patronage, 3–4, 9, 11, 16–21, 32, 41–2, 52,
73, 135–7, 152, 185–8, 229, 277, 300,
304, 306–7, 313
Pecquet Antoine I (1668–1728), premier
commit for foreign affairs 1700–25, 77, 79
Pecquet Antoine II (1700–62), premier commis
for foreign affairs 1725–40, 158, 165
Pelet, avocat au parlement, 209
Phélypeaux, see Maurepas and Saint-
Phélypeaux family, 20, 40
Philippe V (1683–1746), duc d’Anjou, then
King of Spain, 46–7, 67, 78, 80–1, 102,
116, 138
police of Paris, 91–2, 151, 309; see also
Polignac, (1661–1741) cardinal, 83–5
political management, 8, 28, 52, 194, 197,
235, 238, 258–95, 304, 307, 309–14
politics, 4–6, 9–10, 20, 27–8, 31–2, 109,
116, 177–90, 223, 234, 239, 264, 269–
70, 286–7, 296–301, 304–5, 307
politics of contestation, 2, 7, 11, 28–9, 33,
302, 304–5, 308, 316
Pompadour, J.A.Poisson (1721–64),
marquise de, 186, 294
Pontchartrain, Jérôme Phélypeaux, comte
de (1674–1747), 23
Pontchartrain, Louis Phélypeaux, comte de
(1643–1727), Chancellor in 1699, 23–4
Portail, A. (1674–1736), premier président
1724–36 , 250–8, 265–7, 277–9, 285,
310, 313
Pothouin, P.-S., avocat au parlement, 209
Préclin, E., historian, 199–200
Prévost, C.-J., avocat au parlement, 208–9,
217, 280
Prie, Pléneuf, marquise de (1698–
1727), 70, 73, 89, 91–2, 97, 99, 103–4
Prunay, J.-L.Julien de, avocat au parlement,
public opinion, 5, 27–9, 91–2, 193, 212,
301–4, 316–17
Pucelle, R. (1656–1745), abbé,
grand’chambrier, 216, 249–51, 253, 261,
278–9, 285, 289–91, 300, 323
Quesnel, P. (1634–1719), 43, 83, 198–9
Ranum, O., historian, 17
Ravaisson, F., 100, 118
Ravitch, N., historian, 133
Raynal,, historian, 78–81
Regent, see Orléans, Philippe II rhetoric,
rhetorical strategies, 29–31, 34, 229–30,
273, 300–1, 308–11, 317
Richelieu, A.J.du Plessis de (1585–1642),
cardinal, 3, 12, 17, 56, 182, 185, 240,
Richelieu, Vignerot du Plessis,
duc de (1698–1788), 22, 73, 82, 93–9,
103–9, 113, 115, 120, 127, 167, 169–70,
173–5, 177, 181, 189, 310
Richer d’Aube, F. (1688–1752), maître des
requêtes, 71, 102, 115, 123–6, 135, 138,
142–4, 146–7, 149, 158–9, 167–8, 175–
6, 186, 253, 314–15, 347
Richet, D., historian, 40
Ripperda, J.G., baron then duke of (1682–
1737), 100, 104
Robert, L. (166?–1745), grand’chambrier,
249, 285, 301, 323
Robert, P.N. (1676–1747), conseiller, second
enquêtes, 325
Robert de Saint-Vincent, P.A. (1725–99),
conseiller, fifth enquêtes, 234, 293–4, 325
Rocquain, F., historian, 238
Register, J.M.J., historian, 234, 282–7, 371–
2, 375
Rohan, Soubise de (1674–1749),
cardinal, 44, 48, 54, 59, 82–7, 133, 169,
241–2, 291
Rohan-Guémené, House of, 184
Rosset,, 334