main compound of concern. Little detailed toxico-
logical information exists on the other ASTs, al-
though it has been suggested that the isomers are
less toxic than DA, and the diastereomer is of equiva-
lent toxicity. DA has been detected in a range of
marine macroalgae and in some species of the diatom
genus Pseudo-nitzschia. Biosynthesis of DA is thought
to involve two different precursor units. One is
formed from the direct incorporation of acetate into
oxaloacetate during the Krebs cycle, forming an acti-
vated derivative, e.g., 3-hydroxyglutamic acid. The
other unit is thought to be an isoprenoid unit,
0030 Accumulation of DA-producing Pseudo-nitzschia
multiseries in M. edulis led to the first recorded inci-
dence of amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP; Table 8)in
shellfish consumers in Canada in 1987. Gastroenter-
itis was the milder form of the illness and tended to
occur in those under 40 years of age. Severe neuro-
logical symptoms, such as short-term memory loss,
were experienced by older people, reportedly lasting
in some cases for a number of years. Those who died
suffered from other preexisting illnesses, e.g., dia-
betes. Although DA has subsequently been detected
in shellfish in countries other than Canada, no further
confirmed outbreaks of ASP have been reported.
0031 Diarrhetic shellfish toxins Diarrhetic shellfish toxins
(DSTs) were originally defined as okadaic acid (OA)
and related toxins called dinophysis toxins (DTXs;
Table 8) They were first suspected of causing shell-
fish-related illness (Table 8) in the Netherlands in
1961, and confirmed as being responsible for food
poisoning in Japan in the 1970s. The principal toxin
of this group, OA, has also been detected in the
sponges Halichondria okadai and H. melanodocia.
The method of detecting DSTs is a mouse bioassay
using a solvent extract. The nonspecific nature of this
technique has led to the inclusion of other compounds
in the DST group. These include fused polyether
compounds named yessotoxins (YTXs) and a group
of macrocyclic polyether lactones called pecteno-
toxins (PTXs). Some effects of these compounds in
rodents are summarized in Table 8. However, little
detailed toxicological and epidemiological informa-
tion is available and international debate is ongoing
on their inclusion in the DST group, their threat to
human health, and values, if any, for regulatory
limits. The biosynthesis of OA and the related YTXs
and PTXs is thought to occur by the successive add-
itions of acetate units to a growing polyketide chain,
mediated by the enzyme polyketide synthase (PKS).
Modification of PKS, involving for example oxidative
modification, methylation, and cyclization, results in
different structural types of the enzyme.
0032A further group of toxins, named azaspiracid
toxins (AZTs), is also currently included within the
DSTs. These are lipophilic, highly oxygenated poly-
ethers containing an unusual azaspiro-ring structure.
Although dinoflagellates are suspected as the source
of the toxin, undisputed evidence does not yet exist.
AZTs were first reported as causing food poisoning in
the 1990s with symptoms similar to those for OA
(Table 8). Effects of AZTs on rodents are summarized
in Table 8. There is strong support to separate this
group from the other DSTs and to name the illness
azaspiracid shellfish poisoning. Discussions are cur-
rently ongoing on what regulatory limits should be
set, given the limited extent of epidemiological data
0033Neurotoxic shellfish toxins Neurotoxic shellfish
toxins (NSTs; Table 8) cause shellfish-related food
poisoning. However, they are more noted for finfish
and seabird kills than human illness. Produced by the
dinoflagellate Gymnodinium breve, they are infam-
ously known as the cause of the Florida red tides that
have been recorded for centuries. G. breve is typically
found in Florida waters, but similar forms have
been detected in waters elsewhere, particularly New
Monitoring and Methodology for Shellfish Toxins
0034A large number of countries worldwide monitor their
waters for toxic algae, the shellfish for toxins, or a
combination of both. Internationally accepted stand-
ards are recognized for PSTs and ASTs (Table 8).
Regulations for DSTs are less clear, with some coun-
tries using detection by mouse bioassay as criteria for
implementing harvesting closures and others suggest-
ing a limit of 8–16 mg 100 g
(Table 8). Within the
EU, limits are incorporated into directives with which
member states and countries exporting to the EU
must comply.
0035Some suggest that these regulatory limits can be
deemed effective as judged by the lack of shellfish
toxin-related food poisoning in countries with com-
prehensive monitoring programs. However, detailed
toxicological and epidemiological data supporting
these limits are lacking for many of the toxins,
hindered in some cases by lack of toxin standards
and appropriate methodology for toxin detection.
Additionally, questions relating to sampling proced-
ures for collection of an appropriate representative
sample from shellfish populations remain, e.g.,
sample size, frequency, definition of sampling area,
and number of samples per area.
0036Most countries use a mouse bioassay for the detec-
tion of PSTs, DSTs, and NSTs in shellfish-monitoring
programs. Ethical considerations are the driving force
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