Gram-positive species that form ellipsoidal or cylin-
drical spores that do not appreciably distend the spor-
angia. This group is further divided according to the
vegetative cell dimensions and presence of lipid glob-
ules in the protoplasm of the species. The ‘large-
celled’ group 1 Bacillus species have a cell width
greater than 0.9 mm and include B. megaterium,
B. cereus, B. cereus var. mycoides, B. thuringiensis,
and B. anthracis. The ‘small-celled’ species have a cell
diameter < 0.9 mm, and lipid globules are not formed.
They include B. subtilis, B. pumilus, B. licheniformis,
and B. coagulans. Organisms of groups 2 and 3 are
characterized by swollen sporangia and either ellips-
oidal (group 2) or spherical (group 3) spores. Studies
of DNA composition and other studies suggest that
the genus Bacillus consists of some bacterial families
that will necessitate further classification of the genus.
0003 Most Bacillus species are harmless saprophytes
characterized by their proteolytic and saccharolytic
properties and are rarely associated with human
or animal disease. However, several species are
proven or suspect pathogens. Of these, B. cereus is a
recognized food pathogen, and other species, particu-
larly those of the B. subtilis group (B. subtilis,
B. licheniformis, and B. pumilus), have been impli-
cated in foodborne illnesses. B. brevis, also identified
as a causative agent of foodborne disease, has
been split and transferred to the new genus Breviba-
cillus. B. anthracis is the agent of anthrax.
Five Bacillus species, B. thuringiensis, B. popilliae,
B. sphaericus, B. larvae, and B. lentimorbus, are
insect pathogens, the first three being used in com-
mercial insecticides for the control of crop insects.
0004 Of the Bacillus species associated with foods, de-
tection and identification methods have focused on
B. cereus as a recognized food pathogen. Spores and
vegetative forms of B. cereus are frequent inhabitants
of soils, sediments, dust, natural water sources, vege-
tation, and many foods such as grains, dairy prod-
ucts, dried foods, spices, meats, and vegetables.
Examination of various raw and processed foods
shows contamination levels ranging from 10
cells per gram or milliliter. It is estimated
that B. cereus accounts for *2–3% of reported food-
borne outbreaks in the USA. In the UK, a single
outbreak was reported during the period of Octo-
ber–December, 2000. In this outbreak, 30 people
became ill after consuming contaminated soup with
cream in a canteen, and a statistical association was
established between consumption of the food and the
0005 Detection of B. cereus and its toxins and differenti-
ation between the species within the B. cereus group
are presented in this chapter. Following a brief review
of the properties of the organism and its toxins,
traditional and novel detection of the organism and
its toxins are discussed.
Properties of
B. cereus
0006Cells of B. cereus are large, Gram-positive rods that
are motile by means of peritrichous flagella. They are
typically 1.0–1.2 mm in diameter and 3.0–5.0 mmin
length. Endospores are in either the central or para-
central position without distention of the sporan-
gium. The organism sporulates freely on many
media under aerated conditions. The optimum
growth temperature is 28–35
C, with a minimum of
C and a maximum of 48
C, and the pH for growth
is 4.9–9.3. B. cereus strains are able to utilize glucose,
fructose, and trehalose. Sucrose, salicin, maltose,
mannose, glycerol m-inositol, and lactose are utilized
by some, but not all, members of the species. Pen-
toses, mannitol, and many of the sugar alcohols are
not metabolized. Urease is produced by few strains.
Most of the strains produce acetylmethylcarbinol
(Voges–Proskauer-positive), reduce nitrate to nitrite,
hydrolyze soluble starch, tyrosine, gelatin and casein,
and produce a neutral metalloprotease. B. cereus and
B. thuringiensis produce a broad spectrum of
b-lactamase and are, therefore, resistant to penicillin,
ampicillin, and cephalosporins. Their ability to grow
on agar containing penicillin aids in differentiating
them from B. anthracis. Certain strains have been
reported to synthesize a dehydropeptide reductase
that catalyzes cleavage of the bacteriocins nisin and
subtilin. In contrast to B. megaterium, B. cereus
strains are not sensitive to lysozyme.
0007The organism elaborates a number of toxins with
distinct diarrheal and emetic syndromes. The diar-
rheal syndrome is caused by bacterial growth and
toxin formation in the small intestine, whereas the
emetic syndrome is caused by preformed toxin
resulting from growth of the pathogen in the food.
Of the enterotoxins responsible for the diarrheal syn-
drome, hemolysin, designated BL, comprises three
heat-labile peptides, B (37.8 kDa), L
(38.5 kDa),
and L
(43.2 kDa), and the genes that encode for
these components have been cloned. The L
and L
peptides appear to be responsible for binding to
erythrocytes and the B component for lysing them.
Cereolysin (56 kDa), a cytolytic protein responsible
for hemolysis, consists of phospholipases that hydro-
lyze phosphatidylinositol, some of which are metal-
loenzymes requiring divalent cations for activity, and
sphingomyelinase, also a metalloenzyme that has
hemolysin-like activity, but shows no phospholipase
activity. The nonhemolytic enterotoxin is heat-labile,
comprising three proteins (39, 45, and 105 kDa).
Cereulide is a putative emetic toxin. It has been
/Detection 359