content) in these media. In Fig. 11 MFM images are
shown (Ishida et al. 2000) of the magnetization pat-
terns taken at 200 and 400 kfrpi. The white rectangular
regions indicate the bit size corresponding to an areal
density of 10 G b in
. Experimental work has been
started (2000) by studying the effect of a CoO under-
layer for the Co–O obliquely deposited films. The
granular texture of the underlayer promotes separa-
tion between the obliquely grown columns and also
decreases the size of the columns (Tohma et al. 1997).
The difference between Co–Ni–O and Co–O tape is
that the latter has higher remanent magnetization
and crystalline anisotropy (and thus coercivity). This
results in better read/write characteristics and excel-
lent recording performance. This is also due to the
very thin DLC protective coatings, which can now be
prepared (Yoshida et al. 1994, Yoshida et al. 1995,
Shinohara 1994).
See also: Magnetic Recording: Flexible Media,
Tribology; Magnetic Recording: Patterened Media;
Magnetic Recording Technologies: Overview; Mag-
netic Recording: VHS Tapes; Metal Particle versus
Metal Evaporated Tape; Micromagnetics: Basic Prin-
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