for vigilance against interference from rival transport
effect and spurious artefacts. The most obvious
sources of such trouble are radiated electrical noise
and earth loops. However there is also a more subtle
artefact which may occur in a.c. transport measure-
ments in applied magnetic field if the flying leads to
the sample are free to move. The current carrying
wires are subject to a harmonic torque in a magnetic
field and if they are capable of mechanical displace-
ment this leads to a harmonic flux variation. The
result is a parasitic voltage and hence an apparent
resistance which is proportional to the square of the
magnetic field.
21. Applications of Spin Electronics
Applications to date of spin electronics include hard
disk read heads, advanced high density tape heads,
and various position and motion sensors based on
GMR and high frequency properties of spin elec-
tronic materials. Although not yet commercialized,
spin tunnel MRAM is at an advanced stage of de-
velopment also. More speculative uses with future
potential include applications of spin FETS to quan-
tum information processing and the radiofrequency
ferromagnetic single electron transistor.
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Magnetic Reco rding Systems: Spin Electronics