recording media. The achieved structural size of
0.5 0.5 mm (Kubota et al. 2000) opens the perspec-
tive that the noise caused by a statistical grain en-
semble is reduced by a structured media.
See also: Magnetic Films: Anisotropy; Magnetic
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Magnetic Force Microscopy
Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) (Martin and
Wickramasinghe 1987, Gru
tter et al. 1992) is a
slow-scan, raster-type imaging technique that maps
a signal issued from the interaction of a tiny magnetic
probe, or tip, with the magnetization distribution
within the observed sample. The technique has been
demonstrated to yield a resolution below some 20 nm
in favorable cases with minimal or even no sample
preparation. A magnetic force microscope may be
Magnetic For ce Microscopy