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Magnetic Fields: Thermoelectric Power
The coefficient of the thermoelectric power (S) meas-
ured in variable magnetic fields (B) is called magne-
tothermopower. This physical quantity can provide
very valuable complementary information concerning
details of electronic band structure. In comparison
with the magnetoresistivity, the magnetothermo-
power is not sensitive to a uniform change of mobil-
ity of conduction electrons by the Lorentz force. The
magnetothermopower of metallic materials basically
depends on a relative change of the mobility of
conduction electrons with different energy near the
Fermi surface.
The effect of magnetic fields on thermopower
is important also from a practical point of view.
Thermocouples are widely used as temperature sen-
sors. Therefore, in low-temperature thermometry in
equipment with strong magnetic fields, such as re-
search cryostats with superconducting magnets, a
knowledge of the sensitivity of a thermocouple to the
magnetic field is essential. Another significant and
expanding field for the application of thermoelectric
phenomena is thermoelectric heat–energy conversion
and thermoelectric cooling. It is known that the
thermoelectric efficiency of some materials can be
considerably enhanced in a magnetic field (examples
are bismuth-based alloys which are used for low-
temperature refrigeration).
1. Theoretical Aspects of Magnetothermopower
The thermopower, or Seebeck, coefficient S is defined
as the coefficient in the relation: E ¼S rT between
Magnetic Fi elds: Thermoelectric Power