an array of overdamped junctions with a signal com-
posed of a conventional sinusoidal drive and a two-
level broadband digital code. This allows a controlled
sequence of negative and positive pulses to be gen-
erated. Reference voltages between NV
and þNV
are obtained by time averaging of periodic sequences
of pulses with an appropriate number and polarity
(Benz et al. 1999). A synthesis of a sine wave with an
amplitude of 718 mV at 5 kHz has been verified. All
pulse-driven D/A converters need a perfect broad-
band transmission line without dispersion for fast
signal propagation. In practice this is very difficult to
achieve for large arrays with an output voltage am-
plitude of 1 V or more.
In principle, the use of rapid single-flux quantum
(RSFQ) voltage multipliers would overcome the dif-
ficulties with the broadband transmission lines of the
pulse-driven systems (Semenov 1993, Semenov et al.
1997, Sasaki et al. 1999). These complex digital cir-
cuits amplify the voltage with integer gain by mul-
tiplication of SFQ pulses. An RSFQ D/A converter
contains a certain number of voltage multipliers in
series connection that are independently controlled
by the generation of a train of pulses with a repetition
rate proportional to the input code. With a 2500-
junction circuit an output voltage of 5 mV has been
verified. Higher voltages can basically be achieved by
hybrid integration of such circuits.
See also: Electrodynamics of Superconductors: Flux
Properties; Electrodynamics of Superconductors:
Weakly Coupled; Metrology: Superconducting
Cryogenic Current Comparators
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