Visual Language Parsing: If I Had a Hammer... 235
The main reasons for the proliferation of approaches for higher dimensional
grammar representations are two:
(1) there is no standard class of expressions generated by these grammars;
(2) there is no standard notion of replacement in derivations analogous to con-
catenation for strings.
3 Visual Languages
Paralleling the formal language and engineering literature, there has been since
the 60s an independent body of work that has focused on specifying visual lan-
guages in the context of graphical interfaces, pen-based input, and even architec-
tural designs. Applications in handwriting, mathematics, and character recogni-
tion provided one thread. Another was parsing of hand-drawn diagrams. Shaw's
work on Picture Description Languages (Shaw, 1969) is often cited. The basic
idea there was to rewrite pictures to pictures, where a particular representation
was developed that seems to have been primarily motivated by line drawings
and handwriting recognition. Anderson's early work on mathematical notation
(Anderson, 1968) was another important milestone.
The establishment of an annum IEEE workshop on visual languages pro-
vided another avenue for work on visual grammars. There has been a some-
what fragmented series of alternative frameworks proposed including Positional
Grammars (Chang, 1988; Costagliola, Tomita, and Chang, 1991), Picture Lay-
out Grammars (Golin and Reiss, 1989), Constraint Set Grammars (Helm and
Mariott, 1991), Relation Grammars (Crimi et al., 1991), and extensions to unifi-
cation grammars (Wittenburg, Keitzmann, and Talley, 1991; Wittenburg, 1992;
1996). One influence on some recent work in this area has come from constraint
logic programming, which is evident in Helm and Marriott's work among others.
Very recently there has been an effort to define a unifying framework for visual
language grammars under a Chomsky-like hierarchy (Mariott and Meyer, 1997).
Many of the visual language frameworks do not fall into the context-free
arena. In fact, Marriott and Meyer (1997) argue that some forms of context-
sensitivity are intrinsic to visual languages. Examples of context-sensitive ap-
proaches include Rekers (1994) and Minas and Viehstaedt (1995), who have in-
corporated general graph-rewriting, and Meyer (1992) and Pineda (1992), who
have incorporated general inferencing from logic programming paradigms. Golin
and Reiss (1989), working in the attribute grammar paradigm, have proposed
a mechanism that allows for some limited node sharing in derivation trees. The
computational complexity of most of these approaches is known to be intractable
in the general case, although Golin (1991) has reported a polynomial bound on
recognition for Picture Layout Grammars.
Figure 2, adapted from Rekers (1994), is an example of a non context-free graph-
rewriting system used in visual language interpretation. Figure 2a shows an ex-
ample of the input, a finite state diagram. Finite state diagrams are an interesting
case since they seem to be one of the more basic examples of visual languages
and yet they are not context-free. Figure 2b is the lexical representation used