Cooperation between Reactive 3D Objects and ... 211
powerful 3D object representation model combining geometrical and topological
knowledge modeling with the Generalised Constructive Graph (a generalisation
of CSG trees). In order to support high level interaction, we have created a dis-
tributed architecture based on the X Window system. It provides most services
required by multimodal fusion systems.
As Fig. 14 shows, the working MIX 3D prototype is now turning into a full-
fledged CAD package which can handle solid modeling with objects described by
free-form surfaces. Consequently, a short-term objective is to perform ergonom-
ical experiments in order to evaluate the contribution of cooperative tools, reac-
tive 3D virtual objects, and multimodal user interfaces in a real working context.
In parallel, more advanced interaction techniques are being introduced. Sketch
recognition is improved, and 3D gesture recognition (using a numerical data
glove) is considered. A complete multimodal fusion system will integrate all
these modalities.
Acknowledgements We wish to thank L. Arnal, J.P. Di Lelle, and F. Ledain
for their work on MIX 3D and their help in producing the images for this chapter.
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