filtered and then almost completely reabsorbed; this is true
even in the face of hyperkalemia. However, in contrast to
hypokalemia, in which increased filtration does not cause
potassium depletion, decreased filtration does contribute to
hyperkalemia. As with hypokalemia, aldosterone plays an
important role in renal potassium handling.
Acute renal insufficiency more commonly causes hyper-
kalemia than chronic renal insufficiency, in the absence of
increased intake of potassium. Chronically, aldosterone is
released in direct response to hyperkalemia and facilitates
secretion of potassium in the distal nephron. Decreased
glomerular filtrate affects potassium secretion primarily by
decreasing the amount of sodium available for lumen–tubular
cell exchange, thereby limiting generation of the electroneg-
ative gradient that drives potassium secretion.
2. Aldosterone deficiency—Deficiency of aldosterone
predictably causes hyperkalemia. Diseases that destroy the
adrenal glands result in loss of endogenous glucocorticoids
and aldosterone (Addison’s disease), but isolated cases of
hypoaldosteronism are also seen. In long-standing diabetes,
hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism causes hyperkalemia and
hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis (type 4 renal tubular aci-
dosis). Spironolactone, an aldosterone antagonist, causes
hyperkalemia in susceptible patients.
C. Drugs Associated with Hyperkalemia—Drugs associated
with hyperkalemia are classified according to their mechanism
of hyperkalemia. Those that impair intracellular potassium dis-
tribution include beta-adrenergic blockers, succinylcholine,
hydrochloric acid, and other acidifying agents. Some earlier
formulations of total parenteral nutrition solutions contained
excess chloride salts of amino acids that contributed to hyper-
kalemia. Drugs that interfere with renal potassium secretion
include aldosterone antagonists (eg, spironolactone),
potassium-sparing diuretics (eg, triamterene and amiloride),
ACE inhibitors, and drugs that decrease renal function (nons-
teroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]). Patients with
heart failure are at risk for both hypokalemia and hyper-
kalemia because they may be prescribed potent loop diuretics,
aldosterone, beta-adrenergic blockers, and ACE inhibitors
simultaneously. Heparin and, to a lesser extent, low-
molecular-weight heparin suppress aldosterone synthesis and
can result in hyperkalemia in patients with diabetes mellitus
and renal failure.
A number of patients receiving high doses of
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole may have hyperkalemia.
Trimethoprim has an amiloride-like effect, blocking distal
tubular sodium channels and inhibiting potassium secretion
because of decreased tubular electronegativity. Small amounts
of potassium in potassium penicillin G (1.7 meq per million
units) and transfused blood can cause hyperkalemia but usu-
ally only in patients with impaired potassium handling.
Clinical Features
A clinical and laboratory approach to the diagnosis of hyper-
kalemia is shown in Figure 2–4.
A. Symptoms and Signs—Hyperkalemia is usually identi-
fied by routine measurement of electrolytes in the ICU. In
critically ill patients, hyperkalemia may present acutely with-
out warning. The most serious concern is cardiac rhythm
disturbances, but weakness also may be present.
The medical history should be reviewed for medications
that cause hyperkalemia, recently transfused blood, potential
for tumor lysis syndrome, diabetes, renal failure, and other
disorders. Intravenous solutions should be checked for inad-
vertent potassium administration. For critically ill patients,
consideration of acute adrenal insufficiency is mandatory,
especially if the patient had been receiving corticosteroids or
has hypotension and hyponatremia.
Those at high risk for development of hyperkalemia
include any patient receiving potassium supplementation or
potassium-sparing diuretics, digitalis, beta-adrenergic block-
ers, trimethoprim, or ACE inhibitors. Patients with renal
insufficiency (especially acute renal failure) or diabetes mel-
litus (especially type 1 diabetes) may develop hyperkalemia.
Hyperkalemia sometimes can occur in patients who are
sodium-restricted if they are allowed to use salt substitutes
that contain primarily potassium chloride.
The most common associations of hyperkalemia in hos-
pitalized patients are renal failure, drugs, and hyperglycemia.
In one study, administration of potassium to correct
hypokalemia was the most frequent cause of hyperkalemia.
B. Laboratory Findings—Hyperkalemia is diagnosed when
plasma potassium concentration is greater than 5 meq/L. The
ECG is an important indicator of severity of hyperkalemia, but
electrocardiographic abnormalities were seen in only 14% of
hospitalized patients with hyperkalemia in one study.
Asymptomatic electrocardiographic changes occur as plasma
] rises, with increased height and sharper peaks of T waves
seen first. The QRS duration then lengthens, and the P wave
decreases in amplitude before disappearing as plasma [K
] rises.
At very high plasma [K
], electrical activity becomes a broad
sinelike wave preceding ventricular fibrillation or asystole.
Plasma sodium, chloride, glucose, and creatinine; urea nitro-
gen; arterial blood pH; Pa
; hematocrit; and platelet count
should be determined to aid in establishing the cause of hyper-
kalemia. If the platelet count exceeds 1,000,000/μL, serum
potassium may be falsely elevated as the blood clots and potas-
sium is released from platelets; in such cases, plasma rather than
serum potassium will reflect the true value in the body. In renal
insufficiency, plasma creatinine and urea nitrogen are elevated.
Urine potassium determination may be helpful in deciding
whether renal potassium elimination is appropriate. The
transtubular potassium gradient (see “Hypokalemia” above)
can determine if the kidneys are contributing to hyperkalemia;
a nonrenal cause is more likely if the gradient is greater than 10.
Plasma sodium and chloride may provide evidence of adrenal
insufficiency, but other tests of adrenocortical function should
be performed. A very low plasma cortisol, for example, in the
presence of hyperkalemia can be diagnostic of adrenal insuffi-
ciency. Arterial blood pH and plasma glucose are helpful in
deciding on the approach to treatment of hyperkalemia.