but decreased intake of potassium alone is very rarely a
cause of hypokalemia except in critically ill patients who
are not being fed or given potassium. More commonly,
potassium depletion results from increased potassium
loss without adequate replacement. One classification is
to divide potassium loss into nonrenal and renal sources
(see Table 2–9).
Nonrenal potassium losses can result from severe diarrhea
and excessive sweating (although vomiting and nasogastric
suction stimulate renal potassium excretion), but increased
renal potassium loss that results from increased secretion of
potassium is found more commonly in ICU patients. Almost
all filtered potassium is reabsorbed, and renal tubular dys-
function rarely leads to impaired reabsorption.
Several factors facilitate renal potassium secretion. First,
any cause of increased mineralocorticoids contributes to
renal loss of potassium—including volume depletion, in
which aldosterone increase is compensatory, and primary
hyperaldosteronism. Cushing’s syndrome and pharmaco-
logic administration of hydrocortisone, prednisone, or
methylprednisolone often lead to decreased [K
] owing to the
mineralocorticoid activity of these corticosteroids. Unusual
causes of increased mineralocorticoid activity include licorice
ingestion (inhibits 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) and
administration of potent synthetic mineralocorticoids such as
fludrocortisone. Second, increased delivery of sodium to the
distal nephron enhances potassium secretion. Solute diuresis
from glucose, mannitol, or urea increases distal sodium deliv-
ery by interfering with proximal sodium reabsorption.
Furosemide and other loop diuretics, which also increase
potassium loss because of volume depletion, increase distal
tubular sodium delivery by inhibiting sodium reabsorption in
the ascending loop of Henle. Thiazide diuretics increase
potassium exchange for sodium in the distal tubules. Rarely,
Bartter’s syndrome (a congenital defect of one of several
mechanisms of Na-Cl reabsorption in the ascending limb of
the loop of Henle) and Gitelman’s syndrome (a defect of the
thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter in the distal nephron)
cause hypokalemia by renal salt wasting.
Any increased quantity of poorly reabsorbed anions in the
tubular lumen increases the electronegative gradient, drawing
potassium out of the distal tubular cells. Bicarbonate is less
easily absorbed than chloride, and increased distal tubular
bicarbonate is found in proximal renal tubular acidosis, dur-
ing compensation for respiratory alkalosis, and in metabolic
alkalosis. Other anions include those of organic acids such as
keto acids and antibiotics such as sodium penicillin.
Hypomagnesemia reduces Na
-ATPase pump activity,
impairing intracellular potassium movement and impairing
repletion of total body potassium. Hypokalemia is seen in
about 40% of patients with magnesium deficiency; renal
potassium loss paradoxically increases during repletion of
potassium in this condition because of failure of cellular
uptake. Amphotericin B can cause renal potassium wasting by
acting as a potassium channel in the distal tubular cell.
Aminoglycosides are associated with hypokalemia by a similar
mechanism, but clinically significant hypokalemia attributed
to aminoglycosides is uncommon.
B. Abnormal Distribution of Potassium—Hypokalemia in
the face of normal or increased total body potassium must be
due to abnormal distribution of potassium between the
extracellular and intracellular spaces. Common causes of
decreased [K
] from potassium redistribution in ICU patients
include drugs and acid-base disturbances. Insulin has a major
role in transmembrane potassium transport. Either endoge-
nous insulin, increased after glucose administration, or the
combination of exogenous insulin and glucose can lead to
hypokalemia by this mechanism. Beta-agonists increase the
activity of the Na
-ATPase pump, so beta-adrenergic
bronchodilators, sympathomimetic vasopressors, and theo-
phylline are causes of decreased [K
]. Metabolic and respira-
tory alkaloses do result in some shift of potassium into cells in
exchange for hydrogen ion; the major effect of metabolic
alkalosis, however, is to increase renal potassium secretion.
Clinical Features
Figure 2–3 shows a clinical and laboratory approach to the
diagnosis of hypokalemia.
A. Symptoms and Signs—Most hypokalemic patients are
asymptomatic, but mild muscle weakness may be missed in
critically ill patients. More severe degrees of hypokalemia
may result in skeletal muscle paralysis, and respiratory failure
has been reported owing to weakness of respiratory muscles.
Cardiovascular complications include electrocardiographic
changes, arrhythmias, and postural hypotension. Cardiac
arrhythmias include premature ventricular beats, ventricular
tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation. Rhythm distur-
bances are seen more commonly in association with myocar-
dial ischemia, hypomagnesemia, or when drugs such as
digitalis and theophylline have been given. Hypokalemia may
exacerbate hepatic encephalopathy by stimulating ammonia
generation. The combination of severe hypokalemia, meta-
bolic alkalosis, and hyponatremia is often seen in patients
with evidence of volume depletion such as tachycardia,
hypotension, and mild renal insufficiency.
Although hypokalemia is most often a laboratory diagnosis,
it should be suspected in patients at risk. In the ICU,
hypokalemia is found commonly because many critical ill-
nesses and their treatments contribute to renal and nonrenal
potassium wasting. Patients being given diuretics (eg, thi-
azides, loop diuretics, acetazolamide, or osmotic diuretics),
beta-adrenergic bronchodilators, theophylline, corticos-
teroids, insulin, large amounts of glucose, total parenteral
nutrition, aminoglycosides, high-dose sodium penicillin, and
amphotericin B are among those who should have particular
attention paid to monitoring plasma [K
]. Toxic levels of theo-
phylline in particular can cause profoundly reduced plasma
]. Patients with volume depletion, especially from diarrhea,
vomiting, or nasogastric suctioning (which induces both vol-
ume depletion and metabolic alkalosis), and osmotic diuresis