4.3 Attractor Dimension 45
well as due to other, physical reasons. In particular, the self-similarity of the Cantor
set (discussed above) is evident and is the result of the simple iterative scheme used
in its construction. In some sense, self-similar sets are analogous to auto-model
solutions of different equations, which are also connected to the presence of higher
symmetries compared to all other solutions.
The importance of the self-similarity concept is manifested by the appearance of
simpler and more efficient methods for the description of self-similar set properties.
Indeed, returning to expression (4.6) for self-similar sets, one can see that if a part is
similar to the whole, then the expression (4.6) is satisfied not only in the limit, and
also in finite, but sufficiently small coverage scales. Then it can be simplified and
rewritten in the following form
∼ ε
, (4.7)
where N
is the number of neighborhoods with characteristic size ε, containing
points of the considered, and D
coincides with the capacity and the Hausdorff
dimension for such sets. Mandelbrot proposed naming D
the fractal dimension
or cellular dimension of the set. From the definition (4.7) it clearly follows that
gives a quantitative characteristic of the self-similarity, i.e. it points out how
to change the scale so that the chosen part will coincide with the whole set. While
using (4.7) as a definition of the fractal dimension, it was seen that it is quite easy
to determine it from physical experiments and a huge number of physical objects
and processes have now been discovered which have noninteger fractal dimensions.
Thereby fractal objects and processes have become an essential part of physical
objects and processes.
The next step in the generalization of scaling led to the so-called self-affine frac-
tals and respectively to other characteristics of these objects. When talking about the
scale invariance of sets, we tend to assume that the space where the considered set is
embedded, is similar to a Euclidean space, where all the coordinates are equivalent
and that the scaling acts on all coordinates in the same way. However, this is far from
being always true from both physical and mathematical points of view. For example,
in space-time, scalings on spatial and temporal coordinates can be independent. For
objects like trajectories in space-time, the similarity coefficients on the time and
space coordinates are not necessarily the same.
Another possibility for generalization comes from physical concepts about the
beginnings and growth of fractal clusters. Indeed, in this case there is a minimum
scale – the size of particles. Therefore, the tending of coverage size to zero is
insignificant. However, the cluster size in the process of growth does not have an
upper limit, and we can increase the size of the cell or coverage up to ∞. This allows
us to introduce the global cluster dimension at ε →∞. Then the usual definition
can be understood as the determination of a local cellular dimension.
Entropic or informational dimension is introduced using approaches originating
from information theory or statistical physics. By covering the fractal set with neigh-
borhoods of size we can introduce probability to find the points of the set in any
i-th neighborhood. This probability equals p
() = N
/N, where N
is the number