4.2 Embedding Dimension 39
There is a simple way to understand Whitney’s theorem. To obtain the one-
to-one correspondence of image and prototype we need to set D coordinates. In
order to have the same correspondence between the tangent vectors we also have to
set another coordinate D. And finally, we have to add another coordinate to avoid
self-intersection as shown on Fig. 4.2. Thus, the D -dimensional manifold can be
embedded into space with the dimension n = 2D + 1. Now, we have to be sure
that there are nonintersection points. Let us consider the condition providing the
absence of intersection points of two hypersurfaces in space R
. Let us define the
hypersurface of D dimension by the equations
, x
, ..., x
= 0 .
The number of these equations is n − D. Therefore i = 1, 2, ...n −D. Let us define
the second hypersurface of D dimension by the equations
, x
, ..., x
= 0 .
Where i = 1, 2, ...n − D. The choice of the same dimension of hypersurfaces is
suitable for the analysis of intersection points as well. The total number of equations
is 2n − 2D, while the number of unknown coordinates is n. It is clear that if 2D =
n, then the number of equations is equal to the number of unknown coordinates.
That means that in general cases, these equations have a finite number of solutions
which determine the coordinates of a finite number of intersection points for these
hypersurfaces. If 2D < n − 1 then the number of equations is bigger than the
number of unknown coordinates. Hence, there is no solution of this kind of equation
in general cases. It means that if
n > 2D + 1 ,
there are no intersection of these hypersurfaces. Now it is evident that this dimension
limitation corresponds with Whitney’s theorem.
Whitney also proved the enhanced version of the embedding theorem [36].
According to this theorem every paracompact D, or dimensional Hausdorff man-
ifold, is embedded into R
Example 4.2. Notice that there are some bidimensional manifolds which cannot be
embedded into three-dimensional Euclidean space, R
. This follows from Whitney’s
theorem. The best-known example of such a manifold is the Klein bottle. Figure 4.3
shows its model in R
with self-intersections. However, without self-intersections-
Klein bottle can be embedded into four the dimensional Euclidean space. This cor-
responds fully to Whitney’s enhanced theorem.
Theoretical progress followed this direction. In 1981, Takens [40] was able to
prove the theorem, which immediately attracted much attention. Its content can be
explained in the following way. Let a system of equations, in phase space of which
an attractor exists, be the following