2.4 Chaos in a Simple Dynamical System 17
This example shows that determination is not in contradiction with randomness.
Mapping (2.8) is determined and does not contain any random parameters. More-
over, it has an exact solution (2.9). The trajectories with the same initial conditions
repeat exactly. However, the behavior of the system, or of the trajectory, is random.
In this sense we can speak about a deterministic chaos.
There is a simple way to test it. Let us divide the segment [0, 1] into two segments
[0, 1/2] and [1/2, 1]. Now the question is to know in which segment the solution
is. The answer to this question depends on whether 0 or 1 are in the corresponding
place in the presentation of number x. At the same time, an expert to whom we can
present the data about particle position in the first or second segment will not be
able to find any difference between this data and the data of a coin toss when 0 or 1
is associated with heads and the other figure is associated with tails. In both cases,
he will find that the probability to find the particle in the left segment will be 1/2
– the same as for the right segment. In this regard, we can say that the dynamic
system (2.8) is the model of a coin toss and describes the classical example of the
probability process.
Such indeed is the meaning implied when one speaks of continuous phase space
as the reason for the chaotic behavior of the system. One might think that this result
appeared after a too simple partition of the phase space in cells. However, this is
not true. It is possible to partition the segment [0, 1] into more cells and study the
transition between them (here we enter into another mathematical branch, so-called
“symbolic dynamics” [22–24]). The transitions between these cells are described by
the Markov process, which are classical examples of probability processes [25, 26].
We can even work with infinitely small cells but if we do not take into account some
mathematical difficulties we will not yield anything more than randomness x which
has already been proven.
Let us go back to the reasons for chaotic behavior of the trajectory of dynamic
systems. First of all it is the continuality of phase space. However, if the chaotic
behavior of the system is related to the uncalculated initial data, then why do we
observe chaotic behavior in one system but not in others? We can try to answer
this question. As a matter of fact if we look attentively at the system (2.8) we can
remark that the behavior of this system in time depends more and more on the
distant figures of the development of the number x
. So if we know only a finite
number of symbols in the development of the initial data x
, for example m, we can
describe our system only on a finite interval m. As a result, the dynamical system is
sensitive in an exponential way with respect to the uncertainty of the initial data. In
such dynamical systems, the potential randomness which is contained in the phase
space continuity transforms itself into an actual randomness. At the same time we
obtain the first criterion of stochastic behavior of a determined system: stochastic
behavior of the trajectory is possible in systems which have an exponential sensi-
tivity to the uncertainty of initial data. This criterion can be presented differently.
Chaotic behavior is achieved in nonlinear systems with an exponential divergence
in neighboring trajectories. We can easily understand this if we consider uncertainty
as a module of the difference between the two possible initial conditions. For our