936 Примечания
J. Tcllis, Deborah J. Maclnnis, and Pattana Thaivanich, «What to Say When: Advertising Ap-
peals in Evolving Markets», Journal of Marketing Research, 38 (November 2001), 399-414;
Punam Anand Keller, Isaac M. Lipkus, and Barbara K. Rimer, «Affect, Framing, and Persua-
sion», Journal of Marketing Research, 40 (February 2003), 54-64; Durairaj Maheswaran and
Joan Myers-Levy, «The Influence of Message Framing and Issue Involvement», JoM/?w/o/Mar-
keting Research, 27 (August 1990), 361-367; Alexander J. Rothman and Peter Salovey, «Shap-
ing Perceptions to Motivate Healthy Behavior: The Role of Message Framing», Psychological
Bulletin, 121 (1997), 3-19; Baba Shiv, Julie A. Edell Britton, and John W. Payne, «Does Elab-
oration Increase or Decrease the Effectiveness of Negatively versus Positively Framed Messag-
es?» Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (June 2004), 199-208; Baba Shiv, Julie A. Edell, and
John W. Payne, «Factors Affecting the Impact of Negatively versus Positively Framed Ad Mes-
sages», Journal of Consumer Research, 24 (December 1997), 285-294.
Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, «Loss Aversion in Riskless Choice: A Reference-
Dependent Model», Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106 (November 1991), 1039-1061.
Block and Keller, «When to Accentuate the Negative»; Maheswaran and Myers-Levy, «The
Influence of Message Framing and Issue Involvement»; Shiv, Britton, and Payne, «Does Elabo-
ration Increase or Decrease the Effectiveness of Negatively versus Positively Framed Messag-
Keller, Lipkus, and Rimer, «Affect, Framing, and Persuasion».
Maheswaran and Myers-Levy, «The Influence of Message Framing and Issue Involvement»;
Shiv, Britton, and Payne, «Does Elaboration Increase or Decrease the Effectiveness of Nega-
tively versus Positively Framed Messages?»
Keller, Lipkus, and Rimer, «Affect, Framing, and Persuasion».
John T. Gourville, «Pennies-a-Day: The Effect of Temporal Reframing on Transaction Eval-
uation», Journal of Consumer Research, 24 (March 1998), 395-408. See also John T. Gourville,
«The Effect of Implicit versus Explicit Comparisons on Temporal Pricing Claims», Marketing
Letters, 10 (May 1999), 113-124.
Paul C. Price, «Installment Training: The Mental Aggregation and Disaggregation of Mon-
etary Cost over Time», poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and
Decision Making, St. Louis (November 13, 1994), as cited in Gourville, «Pennies-a-Day».
Gourville, «The Effect of Implicit versus Explicit Comparisons on Temporal Pricing Claims».
For research on scarcity effect, see Laura A. Brannon and Timothy С Brock, «Limiting
Time for Responding Enhances Behavior Corresponding to the Merits of Compliance Appeals:
Refutations of Heuristic-Cue Theory in Service and Consumer Settings», Journal of Consumer
Psychology, 10 (May 2001), 135-146; Laura A. Brannon and Timothy С Brock, «Scarcity Claims
Elicit Extreme Responding to Persuasive Messages: Role of Cognitive Elaboration», Personal-
ity & Social Psychology Bulletin, 27 (March 2001), 365-375; Jae Min Jung and James J. Kellaris,
«Cross-National Differences in Proneness to Scarcity Effects: The Moderating Roles of Famil-
iarity, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Need for Cognitive Closure», Psychology and Marketing, 21
(September 2004), 739-753; Michael Lynn, «Scarcity Effects on Desirability: Mediated by As-
sumed Expensive-ness?» Journal of Economic Psychology, 10 (June 1989), 257-274; Michael Lynn,
«Scarcity Effects on Value: A Quantitative Review of the Commodity Theory Literature», Psy-
chology and Marketing, 8 (Spring 1991), 43-57; Soo-Jiuan Tan and Seow Hwang Chua, «"While
Stocks Last!" Impact of Framing on Consumers' Perception of Sales Promotions», Journal of
Consumer Marketings (2004), 343-355; Thco M. M. Verhallen and Henry S.J. Robben, «Scar-
city and Preference: An Experiment on Unavailability and Product Eva\uat\on»Journalof Eco-
nomic Psychology, 15 (June 1994), 315-331.
Jung and Kellaris, «Cross-National Differences in Proneness to Scarcity Effects».