surface area
Archimedes and, 625
calculations, 556559, 620
surface of revolution, 556559
surface of rotation, 558559
symmetry, axis of, 16
tables of integrals, 433435
comparison test for divergence
and, 657
end of series, 645646
integral test of, 649650
Root Test, 670671
of sequence, 129
taking limits, 2
tangent function
history of, 275276
integration of, 436437
inverse, 257
hyperbolic functions, 261262
tangent line(s), 171173
approximation, 248250, 251
Fermat’s theorem and, 371372
increasing and decreasing functions,
Mean Value Theorem, 289
Newton-Raphson method, 348349,
nonvertical, 179
trigonometric functions, 203204
trigonometry, 68
vertical tangent lines, corners and,
Taylor, Brook, 720
Taylor, Zachary, 535
Taylor series
accuracy in, 702704
applications, 630
approximations, 708
binomial series, 707
history of, 719720
polynomials and, 693695
indeterminate form evaluation,
transcendental function expansions,
Taylor’s theorem, 698701, 720
telescoping series, 635636
telescoping sum, 378
temperature change, Newton’s laws for,
terminal radius, sine and cosine, 65
terminating decimals, 22
Theory of Indivisibles, 466467
Theory of Probability, random variables,
Theory of Relativity, 438
time-series data, least squares lines,
Evangelista, 82, 466, 626
Torricelli’s Law, 593594
e d’Algebre, 373374
e de la Lumi
e, 372373
transcendental functions, 253266
hyperbolic functions, 260263
inverse hyperbolic functions, 263265
inverse sine and cosine, 254256
inverse tangent function, 257
inverse trigonometric functions,
253254, 258259
maxima and minima, 314315
Newton-Raphson method, 348
notation, 260
Taylor series expansions, 704706
transcendental number, 80
trapezoidal rule, numerical integration,
449452, 462
Treaties of Fluxions (Maclaurin), 720
area of, 383384
characteristic/differential, 626
inequality, 7
order properties of integrals, 404405
trigonometric functions, 6572
antidifferentiation, 360361
conversion to sine and cosine, 485
defined, 6869
derivatives of, 203204
higher powers of, 481482
hyperbolic functions, 260262, 272
identities, 70
integrals involving sine and cosine,
integration of, 436437
by parts, 474475
inverse, 253254, 258259, 271
limits in, 100
with, 7172
Newton-Raphson method, 352353
odd powers of, 482483
powers and products, 479485
radian measure, 65
sine/cosine functions, 6568
trigonometric substitution, 488495, 530
nonradical quadratic expression,
radical quadratic expression, 492493
true value, approximation and, 7
truncation error, 7
two-function composition, chain rule
differentiation, 210212
two-point form of line, 2425
two-point systems, center of mass in, 572
two-sided limits, derivatives of exponen-
tial functions, 205206
unbounded integrands, 514519
Comparison Theorem for, 518519
endpoints, unboundedness at, 517
interior singularity, 516
unbounded intervals, 56
improper integrals, 521526
uncountable numbers, 80
uniform mass density
center of mass, 574577
moments, 573574
uniform partition
area approximation, 379381
average value of function, 562563
order properties of integrals, 403405
point rule, 446449
Riemann sums, 390392
sigma notation and, 377, 459
Simpson’s Rule, 453455
surface area calculations, 557559
unit circle, 13
trigonometry, 65
unit of work, definitions, 580585
upper limit of integration, 393
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus,
410, 412413
reversal, 402403
upper Riemann sum, 390392
u-substitution, 429
van der Waal’s equation, implicit
differentiation, 284
variables, 1
continuous, 1
Leibniz notation, 180181
parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas,
planar coordinates, 1112
point-slope of line, 23
separation of, 591598
variational principle, catenary
formula, 627
variations, calculus of, 628
antidifferentiation, 361363
average velocity, 164165
higher derivatives, 231
instantaneous velocity, 166168
linear velocity law, 613615
positive and negative, 167168
Index I-15