quadratic polynomials
partial fractions, 506512
rational functions, 506508
simple and repeated quadratic terms,
trigonometric substitution, 488495
Quotient Rule
derivatives, 193194, 196
hyperbolic function derivatives,
exponential functions, 206
inverse functions, 220
local extrema
critical points, 302303
first derivative test for, 302303
logarithmic differentiation, 227
Simpson’s Rule, 453454
trigonometric functions, 204
backward difference quotient, 195
center of mass calculations, 575577
central difference quotient, 195196
derivatives of, 191194
forward difference quotient, 195
pital’s Rule for indeterminate
forms, 339345
loss of significance and, 195196
roundoff error, 196
limit theorems, 101
measurement with, 65
radical quadratic expressions, trigono-
metric substitution, 492493
radioactive decay, 151
radius of convergence, 678683
interval of convergence and, 674678
Taylor series of polynomials, 693695
Raleigh, Walter, 533
Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 719
random variables
average value, 565566
population density function, 568569
of functions, 3435
population density function, 568569
Raphson, Joseph, 374
rate-of-change problems, Chain Rule
and, 214215
rational functions
horizontal asymptotes and, 124
limits of infinity and, 122124
limit theorem, 98
partial fractions, 499503
quadratic terms in denominator,
repeated linear factors, 502503
skew-asymptotes, 333
rational numbers, basic properties, 2
ratio(s), geometric series, 638639
Ratio Test, 667669
binomial series, 707
radius of convergence and, 677678
Root Test and, 671
Taylor series expansions, 705
real numbers
algebraic numbers, 80
in calculus, 2
completeness property of, 82
functions, 3435
limits of sequences, 127136
monotone convergence property,
Riemann integrals and, 392394
sets of, 34
summation notation, 377
real-valued function, 35
real variables, functions of, 3435
recession velocity, 4041
Reciprocal Rule
derivatives and, 192 193, 196
powers of x
and, 201203
rates problem, 282
area approximation, 379381
area calculations, 376385
center of mass calculations, 576577
integral test of, 646648
precise definition of area, 381384
Riemann sum and area of, 390392, 394
rectification, arc length and, 625626
recursive sequences, 40
redemption, bond valuation, 353354
reduction formulas
higher powers of trigonometric
functions, 481482
integration by parts, 475476
sine/cosine integrals, 483485
Fermat’s research on, 372373
index of, Newton-Raphson method,
area approximation, 379381
area calculations, 376377
in the plane, 1819
precise definition of area, 381384
Riemann integral, 386392
regression line. See least squares line
related rates
Chain Rule and, 215, 282
derivatives applications, 282286
implicit differentiation, 282284
problem-solving guidelines, 284285
relative error, approximation and, 7
relative maximum, 290291
relative minimum, 290291
Relativity, Theory of, 438
remainder term, 698701
repeated linear factors, 498, 502503
Reverse Product Rule, 470471
solid of, 540542
surface of, 556
Georg Friedrich Bernhard,
Riemann integral, 384385, 460
arc length, 552553
area calculation, 440444
average value of function, 563
calculation of, 394396
defined, 392394
history of, 468
infinite integrands, 514515
integral applications, 523524, 537
Kepler and, 467
moments in center of mass, 574
navigation problems, 533
order properties of integrals, 404405
point rule, 447449
probability theory, average values
in, 567
solid of revolution, 540542
surface area calculations, 557559
volume approximation, 539
work calculations, 580585
Riemann sums, 385392
Riemann surfaces, 468
Riemann zeta function, 468
right endpoint approximation, 380381
Roberval, Gilles, 371372, 466467, 625
Rolle, Michel, 373
Rolle’s theorem
extreme values and, 293294
Mean Value Theorem and, 373
root approximation
bond valuation, 353354
Newton-Raphson method, 348349
Root Test, 670671
radius of convergence and, 678
axial, 540541
Method of Cylindrical Shells, 545548
noncoordinate axes, 544545
surface of, 558559
rounding, comparison test for
convergence, 654655
roundoff error, 8
quotients and, 196
Russell, Bertrand, 81
Index I-13